What is an appropriate sized plant/tree?

Jon S

New Member

In the next month or so I am planning on officially becoming a chameleon owner. I am probably going to get something in the 3 month rage, and will be using the habitat available from the Screameleon's set up (medium sized cage).

My question is what is an appropriately sized live plant that I can put in there? Are ficus available that are small enough for that size cage? I believe the dimensions are 18x12x20. If ficus is too large, what other plants can be suggested?
I just got the same setup over the weekend and yesterday I went plant shopping at Lowe's. The ficus looked too big, they didn't have any pothos, so I ended up getting an umbrella plant (schefflera) in a 6" pot. It fits well, but not a lot of room to spare. Don't know if he likes it yet or not, but it seems to be a popular choice for panthers.
LLLReptile.com sells small Ficus trees for $10 each. I got 2 last week and they were very healthy.

Lowe's, HomeDepot, WalMart, Target, and even K-Mart are all good places to look for plants. Just wash them and repot them in organic soil before use.

You might want to consider a small umbrella plant or a pothos. You would have to hang the pothos but we can all tell you how. Are you sure on the cage size? What kind of cham are you getting, and is it male or female? Getting that first one is always so exciting.
It would be good for you to take time to read
http://raisingkittytheveiledchameleon.blogspot.com/ even if you are not getting a veiled this has wonderful information for any new owner.

Let us know if you need more help, you can learn a lot for some people on this forum, and we are all cham addicts.:)
thanks for the info. I am planning on getting a male panther from Screameleons with the set up... still tentative about everything, but thats what I've decided as of today (where to buy), and I'm pretty sure those are the dimensions of the Zilla habitat that comes with the set up. He will probably be about 3 months old. I want to get him young so he gets used to me, but not too young because it will be my first and I've read that very young babies are for the more experienced.
Jon if you are starting with a 3 month old from Screameleons, and the cage setup from them you are off to a great start. Lets us know when you get your little one and that means pictures, we love pictures.
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