What is happening to his casque!!!


New Member
Please take a look at this picture and let me know what you think may be wrong. He just got done shedding a two weeks ago so I am pretty sure he wouldn't shed again already. He is an Ambilobe about 6 months old. Using a Mercury Vapor light, basking temp of 90, ambient temp gradient down to 70. Live plant and artificial plants and branches to allow thermo-regulation. Monsoon 400 Automatic Mister used. Humidity ranges from 50 percent to 70 percent. I do see him drink after mistings. We also hand mist a few times a day. Feeding gut loaded crickets dusted with calcium three times a week, and herptavite twice a week. I also have a UVB meter 6.2 and have a UVB gradient of 225 at highest point in the center down to 25 units towards the bottom. I'm not sure what these spots are on his head but I'm getting concerned. They seem to be getting a little worse everyday, meaning more spots. What do you think they are, or are being caused by??? Thanks for all the help. His name is Skittles by the way :)


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A couple things pop into mind. 1.) New shed 2.) Burn 3.) Fungus.

But you said he just shed. And I don't really know what in your set up is a pliable cause for burn. Maybe someone else has a better idea?
Looks like the start of a shed, one of the spikes also seems to indicate an upcoming shed. Up the humidity / mistings and keep an eye on him to ensure it is just a shed.
Could the mercury vapor light be to intense even though the temp readings I've taken seem to be within a good range? Thanks for the quick response!
What kind of water are ou using>

It could be a water spot, like minerals dried up.. have you tried wiping it off>
I am using RO water in his automatic mister and hand mister, but am using softened tap water in his cool mist humidifier that mists his enclosure all day. Without the humidifier here in Michigan right now his humidity was too low so I added it to get the humidity reading correct.
looks like the start of a new shed to me. As they get older they shed in sections (head, tail, legs, body etc)
Thanks for all the help, I took him out and the spots actually wiped off!!! Looks like it was collected deposits from him sleeping under plants and water dripping on and collecting on his casque! Even though the water was RO, the tap water in the humidifier must have caused it. Thanks again!
It looks like shed to me. Maybe he wasn't able to do a complete shed last time. The older they get, the longer the process takes.

The basking spot seems a little high at 90. Could you raise the heat lamp to lower the temp a little bit?
I use a humidifier too, and it makes my room more dusty like really fast. I think some of the mineral deposits float around in the air and when I wipe my finger on my desk there is like this white chalky stuff there, not dust. That might be what is. From what you said (It mists his enclosure all day) it sounds like you have your humidifier close to the cage? It is not recommended to keep your humidifier near the enclosure. It's purpose is really to keep the entire rooms humidity level up with the mister there for humidity spikes.

Welcome to the forum btw!
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