What is the attraction of. Veilds?

My female veiled is grumpy. But after months of hand feedings and handling her for cleaning and bringing her to the outdoor free range, she is getting used to me. Love her tho!!!
I love my veiled's attributes all the way around.
I take him everywhere, pet store, game store, everywhere. & he has become so accustomed to being social that while "with me" he stays light green and yellow blue orange white in the open outside, or in a store with people ooing & ahhhing.
wouldn't trade him for any other genus locale or whatever any day of the week
Really? I love my veiled cham to death, but I can't stand her personality. She's so aggressive and mean, and it really bugs me :/ Am I the only one with a non-cool veiled? lol

Mine tries to bite my hand off most of the time when I put my hand in his cage. After I get him out he's cool. While in the cage, it's "HOW DARE YOU TRY TO FEED ME!!!!"
Didn't know this would be such a popular topic! The pics the janb posted are great, but how of,ten do you get a good looking veild like this? Lots of pics I have seen they are just browny green, is this a good representation of what they are like?
Really? I love my veiled cham to death, but I can't stand her personality. She's so aggressive and mean, and it really bugs me :/ Am I the only one with a non-cool veiled? lol

my female has a real bad attitude to, but its one thing i love about her.
Didn't know this would be such a popular topic! The pics the janb posted are great, but how of,ten do you get a good looking veild like this? Lots of pics I have seen they are just browny green, is this a good representation of what they are like?

A loved, healthy, happy and well taken care of veiled should look like my guys.
we have both veiled and panther. really want to get a few pygmys and maybe a carpet. i love both our veiled and panthers. they deff have personalities of thier own. two of our veileds are sisters and they look identical but could not act more different!!! our female panther is such a people panther <- lol.
our male panther is a drama king who rules the house or so he thinks lol
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