What is this??


New Member
Today when placing my feeders in the cage I found a very small, long bodied insect in the calcium shaker... It has six legs, two long extensions on its hind side (look like cricket antenna), its clear and it was chasing my crickets... its abdomen and hind end is where the length came from all six legs were up front... Anyone have any ideas?

I know its a bad pic but I dont have SLR like most folks X)
I think it might be a Silver fish, nothing serious or worth getting worried about. consider it a free treat.
Definitely agree. Looks like a baby silverfish. It could be a house centipede, but again, nothing to worry about those are pretty awesome as they eat silverfish and other "pests".
Although the picture is not clear enough to be sure...it could be the larva of the beetles they use to keep cricket cages clean.
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