What is wrong with my chameleon


I just came home from work and the light is turned off in my chameleon cage like normal, but I notice that my chameleon is acting strange because he's normally asleep. He ate a few hours earlier, and Im not sure whats wrong with him now because hes usually fine. Im concerned about the lower region of his torso.. Is he full or is something wrong? He also keeps puffing his flap and closing his eyes.. Did I do something wrong?

Edit: I was also considering maybe when he shot at a cricket he ate some substrate? Just an idea..

  • Your Chameleon -Blue bar ambilobe, male, 2.5 years old. hes been with me for most of his life but a few months
  • Handling - 3 times a week.
  • Feeding - crickets, and horn worms? 10-13? 3-4 times a week?
  • Supplements - tetrafauna calcium and repcal multivitamins
  • Watering - spray, every day for 3-5 minutes every 4 hours. I do see my Cham drink.
  • Fecal Description - his feces Is brown and white, sometimes yellowish white.
  • History - no previous info,

Cage Info:
  • Cage Type - screen cage.
  • Lighting - zoo med,75w, and basking and UVB? lights turn on around 9am and turn off at 8:45pm?
  • Temperature - Top is about 80-90 degrees, I have a thermo in the middle.
  • Humidity - 55-65%? I spray his leaves, and substrate? I have a gage?
  • Plants - I use an umbrella tree and sticks.
  • Placement - my cage is in my room, where I am nearby most hours of the day, there is a ceiling fan in my room which I keep on. I have my cage on a table above the ground.
  • Location - I am in Las Vegas NEVADA.


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Please fill out the ask for help form stickied at the top.

Your cage looks like it needs some work, is that bark at the bottom? He could have swallowed a piece. Mouth open is also a sign of RI. We need more info.
Please fill out the ask for help form stickied at the top.

Your cage looks like it needs some work, is that bark at the bottom? He could have swallowed a piece. Mouth open is also a sign of RI. We need more info.

I just filled it out if thats what your talking about
Looks like a very sick cham that may have an advancing respiratory infection. They tend to orient themselves so their snout is lifted, and sit still gaping. You need a herp vet sooner than later to pin down the cause.
Agreed with RI issues. Have never dealt with it personally but seen many on here and other groups and the symptoms are pointing towards that. Often times when they are sleeping they will point their snout in the air if they are having trouble breathing.
I agree with the others and Please get a vet appointment quickly. Substrate is usually not a good idea even with experience it is tricky. Just a bare floor that drains well and can be wiped clean. You really do need a reptile vet as this can be managed if done quickly. After that I’d suggest looking at some enclosure blogs or just google Bill Strand and check out his way of doing an enclosure. I can not suggest enough the importance of real plants and lots of them. The tree is great but he needs gradients of various temps and humidity pockets. Bill has a ton of info out there that will help you as do others. Please keep us updated.
I agree with the others and Please get a vet appointment quickly. Substrate is usually not a good idea even with experience it is tricky. Just a bare floor that drains well and can be wiped clean. You really do need a reptile vet as this can be managed if done quickly. After that I’d suggest looking at some enclosure blogs or just google Bill Strand and check out his way of doing an enclosure. I can not suggest enough the importance of real plants and lots of them. The tree is great but he needs gradients of various temps and humidity pockets. Bill has a ton of info out there that will help you as do others. Please keep us updated.
Sorry I just read you have had him for 2.5 years? Same enclosure?
Vet appointment is first to get the proper medication after that you need a proper linear uvb bulb and many more live plants to drink from. Remove substrate right away and keep a clean floor. I strongly suggest listening to the chameleon Breeder podcast! It covers so many proper husbandry techniques.
Im going to change the substrate :) but after a few days he seems like he's back to his normal self. Ive looked out for more RI symptoms and he actually hasn't shown any more since that night. I just think he might have swallowed some dirt.

Sorry I just read you have had him for 2.5 years? Same enclosure?
No actually he hasn't been in the same one since I've owned him. I bought him young so back then he has a smaller and thinner enclosure :)

Ill make sure to schedule a vet appointment anyways just to make sure :)
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