What is wrong with my silkworm eggs?

Starting my 3rd set of eggs. This last batch grew to good feeder size then turned black one by one. I also was super clean with them. Not sure why keep dying.
Starting my 3rd set of eggs. This last batch grew to good feeder size then turned black one by one. I also was super clean with them. Not sure why keep dying.
How many are you putting in a container? When they start to get feeder size it's best to give them as much room as possible.
Hi CamoChameleonsHuman,
I know this post is a bit old, but I cannot find any other page is related, so, if you don't mind, I will like to keep posting here.

I am in Sydney, it is October (spring) now. I have a six years old dwarf mulberry tree. I bought 30 silk worms three weeks ago.
I keep them in two separated plastic boxes with normal A4 paper underneath them, clean up everyday.
I feed them a lot and they eat a lot. They are now 9+ cm long, TOO BIG! And they will not cocoon. They move very slow. Looks like their lower body doesn't talk to the upper body. The lower body just don't want to move.

I have similar issues before, and eventually they all died. In those days, I took (stole) leaves from other people's tree (their branches hanged out from the fence). I thought they may have sprayed the leaves, that's why all silkworms died. But now, I owned the tree, it is clean.

Any idea why they will not cocoon?
Thanks for helping.
Hi CamoChameleonsHuman,
I know this post is a bit old, but I cannot find any other page is related, so, if you don't mind, I will like to keep posting here.

I am in Sydney, it is October (spring) now. I have a six years old dwarf mulberry tree. I bought 30 silk worms three weeks ago.
I keep them in two separated plastic boxes with normal A4 paper underneath them, clean up everyday.
I feed them a lot and they eat a lot. They are now 9+ cm long, TOO BIG! And they will not cocoon. They move very slow. Looks like their lower body doesn't talk to the upper body. The lower body just don't want to move.

I have similar issues before, and eventually they all died. In those days, I took (stole) leaves from other people's tree (their branches hanged out from the fence). I thought they may have sprayed the leaves, that's why all silkworms died. But now, I owned the tree, it is clean.

Any idea why they will not cocoon?
Thanks for helping.
Afraid I have no idea, but I’m not even close to an expert. I recently put aside about 50+ to cocoon and only about half of them actually did. I suspected that maybe the humidity had something to do with it...too high. Although ambient humidity is around 40%, the moisture of their food (I use chow), poop and the excreted stomach contents of those that did cocoon probably raised the humidity in the little bin I keep them in. I too kept them very clean, but poop happened. Maybe try making sure they have really good air circulation.
Humidity is pretty low here, between 30-60. And indoor temperature between 18-26 C.
I put lid on at night to avoid them drying up.
I will clean the box more often then. Lets see if they can survive.
Humidity is pretty low here, between 30-60. And indoor temperature between 18-26 C.
I put lid on at night to avoid them drying up.
I will clean the box more often then. Lets see if they can survive.
Have you provided something for them to cocoon on/in? I use toilet paper or paper towel tubes cut into about 3-4” segments.
They are not ready yet. They haven't produced any silk and the body is not yellowish.


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