What is your chameleons name?! :p

For some reason I've gone with K names for my chams:
Kibi - Purple-Barred Ambanja (RIP)
Kimani - Veiled
Kosby - Ambilobe
Keeley - Ambilobe

As for the rest of the crew (so you get other name options), boxer named Holli, 2 cats - Dolce and Cricket, Marshmallow the leopard gecko, Spot Drip and Splash the dart frogs, and Petunia, Sage, and Fiona are the bearded dragons. Good luck picking a name - there are so many great ones in this thread already! :D
My 1+ year-old Jackson's cham is named Max after one of my favorite artists, full name is "Maximus Bemis Chamillionaire Szpond"
Before my juvenile veiled died of parasites (not caught early enough), her name was Little. Miss her dearly.
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