What Kind of Cham is this?


New Member
I stumbled upon this pretty cool video!!! Can anyone tell me what kind of cham this is? How amazing!!!!
I stumbled upon this pretty cool video!!! Can anyone tell me what kind of cham this is? How amazing!!!!

its an older vid but pretty neat...

there was one i had seen (cant find it now) but shows chameleons swimming acrossed oceans to get to other islands..very very odd to watch..

they inflate like little ballons and paddle where they need to go. soo cool
Boom-Shock-ah-locka!!!! Ha i thought so! Only been researching chams for a few months and i am getting pretty good at figuring things out! Couldn't have done it without this forum though!
That place looks awesome!
And im sure that chameleon wasnt enjoying the company of those other swimmers hahaha.
Also I just read they can float as long as they can hold their breath, idk if that would really be considered swimming
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