New Member
As you may not know me, I joined two days ago. I currently have one 5 month old male Jackson's Chameleon that I just got a few days ago. He's a wonderful companion to watch, and we bring him outside for a "sunshower" once on the weekend as we should. Munch is eating very well. We have all the necessary lighting and we have the Extra Large Reptibreeze cage. Dimensions are 24" x 24" x 48. Can be viewed here:"cagpspn=pla"&gclid=COzrr4ua7rcCFfLm7AodJ2gAog Other than that, we've heard that Chams love Hibiscus plants and such. Are there specific ones that are safe for them? Or are they all safe? Are there any hazards to having these? Any precautions? Thanks!