What Kind of Jackson/ Captive @ Petco :(


So I always visit petco if any immediate items are needed to replenish stock for my cham. I stumbled upon this poor female Jackson chameleon they have held captive in the most incorrect habitat possible. We all know that Petco does not care for animal health and what not because they do not expect to keep them for more than 30 days.

A)What I want to know is what kind of female Jackson is this. Just because she had a redish glow which i hadnt seen before.
B) Also wanted to know why her 1 toe nail looks elongated from the rest as you can see in one of the pics?


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So I always visit petco if any immediate items are needed to replenish stock for my cham. I stumbled upon this poor female Jackson chameleon they have held captive in the most incorrect habitat possible. We all know that Petco does not care for animal health and what not because they do not expect to keep them for more than 30 days.

A)What I want to know is what kind of female Jackson is this. Just because she had a redish glow which i hadnt seen before.
B) Also wanted to know why her 1 toe nail looks elongated from the rest as you can see in one of the pics?

The nails might be shortened from climbing around on cages and getting her nails stuck or something like that.
It's almost undoubtedly a xanthophalus. A petco wouldn't have the more rare species. The reddish coloration in females can be a phase and some have more red than others. I've seen it on multiple females and I don't think it differentiates species. Her turrets are very pretty like that though!

Edit: red doesn't mean stress. I stand corrected. :)
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She is a really pretty xanth, some have lots of reds to them. They can go through phases from what Ive seen of color. I have never seen a jacksons turn red from being stressed though.

I keep and breed xantholophus

All in all she doesnt look that bad yet, Time is not on her side being there though.
This jackson, looks exactly like the two females I have. Reddish glow, and everything. Even her toes are like my chams toes. Why do they have such a red glow to them?
This jackson, looks exactly like the two females I have. Reddish glow, and everything. Even her toes are like my chams toes. Why do they have such a red glow to them?

There is a lot of individual variation in jax xantholopus. I've seen totally green ones to very red ones. It isn't due to stress, it just might be that an imported group of them were collected from a particular area that happens to have a lot of reddish individuals. Local populations are more likely to be related so a color trait is more likely to show up more often.
I personally work at a Petco, and high regard is taken to keep the animals healthy. Stress levels are always high for animals at pet shops, due to the constant stream of people and cramped conditions. They are 'stock' to stores so its understandable why it is that way.

If you see animals that seem to be neglected contact animal control in your area, its not Petco its the manager/manager on duty, even call and complain to Petco itself. (both of these have happened at my store from concerned customers, and in both cases investigations have occured.)
I personally work at a Petco, and high regard is taken to keep the animals healthy. Stress levels are always high for animals at pet shops, due to the constant stream of people and cramped conditions. They are 'stock' to stores so its understandable why it is that way.


Sarah, would you know if Petco treats the "stock" for parasites when they come in?

This cham doesn't really look that bad though it appears to be a bit dry in her enclosure. The loss of a nail is common with imports. :(
We've never treated animals/reptiles for parasites. However, if an animal looks sick it is taken to the 'wellness' center in the back, observed and then taken to the vet if illness persists.
they go by policy not whats right or wrong for a well being of an animal.

You ever check out the Salt Water Section of Petco. No such thing as quarantine? Some people may care about well being but apparently policy does not in the end its profit and cover there ends.
What would they quarantine? The whole purpose of imports from vendors is that they are reputable and thus nothing would need to be done from store associates who have very minimal training. Petco/Petsmart are the walmart of pet stores. Don't like it? Go to specialist stores, that's what I did for my veiled.
What would they quarantine? The whole purpose of imports from vendors is that they are reputable and thus nothing would need to be done from store associates who have very minimal training. Petco/Petsmart are the walmart of pet stores. Don't like it? Go to specialist stores, that's what I did for my veiled.

I loved your response its walmart you dont like it dont buy there. Yep that sure sounds like a company that is for the well being.

The Jackson really didnt look bad though.
What would they quarantine? The whole purpose of imports from vendors is that they are reputable and thus nothing would need to be done from store associates who have very minimal training. Petco/Petsmart are the walmart of pet stores. Don't like it? Go to specialist stores, that's what I did for my veiled.

I think what irks many of us on forums like this is not so much the condition of a "stock" animal who is being managed on a short term basis, but the poor or complete lack of care info a customer gets along with their animal. To me the quality of info should not depend on whether the store is the "walmart" of pet shops or the highest end specialty place. Both can and do get it very wrong. If the store makes no effort to educate animal buyers (or at the minimum giving them a good web source for the info) they deserve a bad reputation.

Even if a particular store's livestock happens to be in good shape when sold, the buyer may have NO idea that the store display housing they see is not suited for the rest of the animal's captive life. They often don't hear the necessary messages about quarantine (once it gets to the buyer's collection), about potential vet needs like parasite checks and stress illnesses, or what to do if the new purchase does not thrive.

The point we are trying to make is that we care about the chams who are still ending up for sale at these walmarts...even if we choose to avoid these places someone is still buying a doomed creature and THAT is what we want to change! We care about chams in general, not just our own pets.
I agree, I warn and dissuade many customers from the expert level reptiles we carry. I must say "do your own research weeks in advance before buying this iguana.." or something similar three times a day.

My problem is that people on these forums tend to complain about the conditions yet don't report them if they are in fact that horrid. The manager may not know, care, or have the proper training. Get the authorities involved for the animals sake.

At MY store we care very much about our animals. To Petco, they are stock. Don't mix the employees who make minimum wage with the CEO's.
My nearest petco actually has some really smart employees but he follows policy so alot of stuff is out of his hands. Yes I know the managers pretty well too.
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:Dso about that xanth.....im really thinking about taking it out of its misery and purchasing it. =] Hopefully she will be receptive to my xanth male.
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