What live plants for terarium?


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I honestly cant keep my plants alive, i have to change them once a month, the only things that dont die are the pathos, there like the tanks of plants. I need to find a good ficus
The rushfoil is a hardy plant have you tryed it
I have not, do they grow big? the way i have mine setup is I have two pathos on the top draped over all around the vines, then i try to put one big plat in the center such as a large habiscus, She eats the leaves (Viel) but the plant dies so fast cause its a very sun rich plant, i just recently discovered what a grow light is im sure not having one of those isnt helping.
I have not, do they grow big? the way i have mine setup is I have two pathos on the top draped over all around the vines, then i try to put one big plat in the center such as a large habiscus, She eats the leaves (Viel) but the plant dies so fast cause its a very sun rich plant, i just recently discovered what a grow light is im sure not having one of those isnt helping.

I have two hibiscus in my encloser and they do wonderful but I also have a grow light Veilds love to eat the flowers and it is good for them, full of vitamin A
I have two hibiscus in my encloser and they do wonderful but I also have a grow light Veilds love to eat the flowers and it is good for them, full of vitamin A
What kind of grow light do you recommend? I was also watering the plants to, and they still died, i rearranged my cage and my girl is starting to get used to it but now everything is dying :(
I forgot to tell you with the rushfoil just watch if you Veiled eats it mine does not but if your does take it out have seen some ppl say safe and some ppl say not safe
Rushfoil and Croton are the same plant. You need to be careful with these...not on the safe list
It depends on your cage size and hibiscus like moist soil not to be over watered. I place mine where they don't get a lot of mist from the mister I check them with a soil meter
It depends on your cage size and hibiscus like moist soil not to be over watered. I place mine where they don't get a lot of mist from the mister
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