What live plant's should I try


New Member
I recently bought a veiled chameleon and I'm bit confused on what live plants I should try.
There seem to be allot of plants that can poison a chameleon if eaten.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Although to my knowledge no veileds have had problems with ficus .... the sap produced by this tree has been responsible for some eye problems with panthers.

My veiled loves his pothos. He actually snacks on it from time to time. I imagine an usumbara umbrella plant is good for them too. My Panther has that kind.
i have a mint ficus or spearmint ficus, im pretty sure the leaves have spearment color not that they taste like spearmint
i plan to get an umbrella from walmart even though his cage is full i need a plant i can put my veiled on when i clean his cage.
i dont shower him though. should i do this with a veiled. he seems to bein good with the shower he gets now, though hes a baby and usually they dont like it but he does.
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