What materials make the best outdoor enclosure!? Share your pics/opinions/ideas!


Established Member
I'm in planning stages for a daytime outdoor enclosure (5 long x 6 tall x 2 deep). The more I research the more I keep jumping around on design ideas! So please share what you have? Wish there was something you did different? Did you add something you love? What materials did you use? (PVC pipe, wood? Screen, plastic or metal mesh? 1/4 inch or 1/2 inch?) Drainage or planter box? What plants did you use? Do you have a misting system attached? etc etc etc

I am personally looking at doing a planter box on wheels, with two side planter boxes that extend past the mesh part of the enclosure so I can plant grape vines to grow on the outside. I think I'm going with vinyl coated hardware fabric. Haven't decided on material for the frame. Was thinking of experimenting with EMT conduit pipe.

So please, share! :D
It all depends on how wild your back yard is. If you live in a tame area you can get away with aluminum window screen for daytime caging only. I would use a heavier gage wire for areas with wildlife or any overnight outdoor time.
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