What Roaches?


Established Member
I want to purchase an alternate species of roaches to go with my already thriving dubia colony. What are the best ones to use as a feeder besides dubia blaptica? Also if you know a better site with cheaper prices post please thank you all!!
I like Turks. The adults are about the size of an adult cricket. They move quickly, and that seems to make them more appealing. The do not climb slick surfaces. They breed very quickly.

I also like hissers. Full size adults are too large for most chams, but the younger ones are great. They are slow movers and are interesting in a way most roaches are not. They DO climb. They breed relatively slowly compared to Turks and Dubia.

I really like discoids as a backup roach species. The adults get larger than dubia and the newborn nymphs are smaller than dubia newborns. Also they overall seem much meatier and juicier than dubia.
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