What Sex?


New Member
So, my chameleon is just over a month old. is that old enough to know what gender it is? i know if its a guy it will have spurs on its hind ankles but what is the signs of female? thanks!
That should be old enough. I assume you have a Veiled. The usual way to tell it's a female is not having spurs :D Sometimes it's just a couple of little bumps. If you can post a pic of the back feet we can tell you for sure.
yes it is a veiled and i took a look and it did have little bumps that looks like small heels, it that what im looking for. i have a picture but i dont have a good camera so its a little blurry. would you like me to post it anyways?
Small heels is what you are looking for. From your description I can say I'm 99% sure you have a male :) If the pic shows the bumps at all then you could post it just to be sure if you want.
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