What should i name him?


New Member
Heres a few more pics of my little guy. Still unsure of a name. So if anyone wants to help me out feel free!


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Huego, or Stanley ;) I like older names for chameleons.. that way when they get older and to that grumpy looking stage their names fit them perfectly. Makes them even cuter =)
I was gonna suggest Kermit as well lol maybe Oscar if he has an attitude. other than that.....Shrek, Wasabi, any teenage mutant ninja turtle, Jolly (the green giant lol), Grinch, Godzilla, Yoda, Hulk? as you can tell, I like the culture relevant names
Do you have a favorite movie, tv show, or sport? I tend to name my guys after those type of things. Like Harry Potter names.
He has such long thin limbs! I think gizmo was a good suggestion, and it's a name from a legendary sire... whom I think passed away?

First thing I thought of was longshanks... haha.

He looks like a cute alien to me, so maybe GAZOO!!! like the flintstones
What about Gizmo? He kinda looks like it to me.

gizmo was the name of my 1st chameleon he was the coolest, nicest EVER but he died:(:(:( i have a new pair of chameleons now male and female and when i breed them the first male that hatched im going to name him gizmo in honor of my 1st gizmo:)
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