What species is my chameleon?


New Member
Hi, I came across this website while trying to identify the species of my new chameleon. I can't upload a picture right now so I'll try to describe it: it's green with faded yellow and black spots. Earlier when I had just gotten and it was in the sun it was darker with more prominent spots. It has a serrated back and its body is covered with uniform ridges. It also has a casque on its head. Any help would be great as I don't know how to care for it. Thanks!


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It would be best to have it treated by a vet IMHO.

In the meantime I would try to get it to drink by dripping water slowly on the tip of its nose. Be careful not to drip the water too quickly especially once it starts drinking...at the rate of a drip every second or so. Also be careful that it doesn't aspirate the water.

What insects do you have available to feed it? You can try to hand feed it if it's too sick totaled any on its own. The easiest way to do this is to put an insect between its teeth when it's mouth is open drinking.

What temperature is the cage at? Can you give us some information about how you have it set up please.

Not sure it's not too late to save it but its always worth a try.

You should start a thread in the health section.
Edit - nevermind, I stink.

Unfortunately she looks two minutes from death, poor girl. Was she sold to you in this condition?
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Actually it's a female Chamaeleo africanus. You can tell by the patterns and lack of lateral white stripe.

She is extremely malnourished and dehydrated and it's probably too late to save her. She should be humanely put down.
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