What the heck is this !?!

:rolleyes: hmmmmmmm, I think someone got a new pet ;) thats so nice to see you take him in , and care for him :) Anole is my 2nd fav/ reptile - Chams first of course :p the others are right too- he will chomp down on you , and think he is really ripping you up - just play along with it- would not want him to get a complex - L :p L ( it does not hurt , just encase you do need to get a hold of him for some reason ;) )
Funny, I used to have these as pets growing up, and now they are all over the yard at my house. They can handle cold snaps, and a few years back it got quite cold for a few days straight. (10 - 13 degrees for many hours at a time) Many of the non-native lizards couldn't handle it, but the anoles were able to make it. As for the tail, it looks like it didn't break off at the usual spot when used as a diversion so they can escape so it will likely not grow back. And, yes, they can definitely jump! I never had one bite me, but I'm sure it wouldn't hurt at all. They make really good pets, but need to be kept away from other males. The smaller one will not do well, or they will fight constantly. Make sure the lid is very secure, they can squeeze through the smallest of spaces when they flatten out. Good luck! :D
I'm so glad you found him. Poor little guy. Glad you're helping him out. :) I found a brown anole hatchling on my living room floor this past summer. The egg came in a potted plant I bought from Home Depot. :eek: She's doing great in a planted ten gallon tank. I love watching her as much as watching my chams. :) I can't set her free, since I live in northern Illinois.
Any tips would be appreciated Melissa he is real sweet little guy when he isn't all showing out. I just misted his tank lightly and he is going around licking up the water drops. It's funny he reminds me so much of my Frita. He is basking again now. Almost lights out, the leopard geckos are ready to come out and eat.
I had to put up some cardboard he kept trying to fight his reflection from the basking lamp. I think it's male. He ate a wax worm. And his bruising is better.
Sounds like a male to me. They definitely have personality for sure. If his tail does again start to grow, there will be a completely different "texture" to it. Yep they're also pretty tough and resilient little buggers.
On my anole tank, I use a 5.0 reptisun CFL UVB light. I know the old bulbs had issues, but I haven't had a problem with them. I also have a 60 watt ( I think that's what I'm using, it might be a 40 I'll have to check) household bulb for her basking spot. There's a nice thermal gradient for her to choose from, I check it with a temp gun. I mist her enclosure two or three times a day, and water the plants as needed. She has a branch and a bunch of plants (fake and real) to climb, hide and drink from. The substrate is eco earth bricks and leaf litter. I give her calcium only, no D3, because I was told on a different forum that with the UVB light she wouldn't need the D3. I feed her gut loaded 1/4 crickets and the occasional tiny hornworm or silkworm. There are also springtails and isopods to help with clean up. She's never attacked her reflection, but that might be a male thing.
I'm glad your guy's tail is doing better. Poor little guy, at least he got away from whatever was after him, and had the good fortune to pick your garage for refuge. :) They can be escape artists, so always make sure the lid is on. Mine got out once, when the lid was slightly askew. I found her by the dog's water bowl.:eek: They are QUICK when they're warm and well fed.
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Little guy is doing better. The bruising has gone and the broken tail doesn't bleed. He changes colors depending on mood. Still not eating but he drinks a lot. He is a sweet fellow. It will be -12 tomorrow so he will be nice warm inside.
him mean mugging me. Iv changed his name to Lil'G. He thinks he is big stuff and is no longer scared of me. Lol
He's definitely a he for sure. They'll flare up their gullet just to show you who's boss. LOL!!!!! Has he done any "push ups" for you yet? Another show of dominance.
Ugh I spoke too soon. He jumped on the screen too then jumped off backwards and bent his hurt tail so now it's bleeding again, it was right at lights out so I
Turned his basking light back on to help the blood dry and scab over. The tip of his tail is barely attached :( I wish it would fall off already. I think a vet visit might be needed. Frita sees the herp specialist about her eye this month, I'll bring little G too. He isn't eating yet. But is drinking so I'll let it slide.
It fell off finally!!! Looks so much better, got some neosprin on it and a nice little bite lol He cracks me up. It's negative 12 degrees tonight so I'm happy he is in here with me. It will be hard to set him free, but I know he wants to be outside. I'm taking him far out to the mountains to live this spring away from neighborhood cats!!
An update on Anthony the Anole. He is always bright green now. And eats a small cricket a day. Maybe two. He had his first shed and will jump against the glass when he wants more food. Here he is eating his cricket.
he is laying on the poo poo palm tree. Iv been holding off on cleaning it since he was still acclimating and sick with a broken tail that's healed nicely.
Nice job Penny. I'm sure he can't wait for spring either. He'll be healthy as all get out for all the sweet girls up there.
Funny thing as a youngster coming down here on vacation I remember taking two of them and having them latch onto our ear lobes. They'd hang there for quite sometime.

YES!!!! i did the same thing when i was growing up, they were my earings. even though i am a boy i loved doing this!:p:D

So ignore the huge dump he took on his poo poo palm tree, but take a look at that tail, it's growing back :)

Really excited for him. Looks like a tube of black lipstick almost. So crazy, it's like watching a plant grow. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1392093960.861162.jpg
It'll grow back to a decent length, just not the same beautiful color. Its function will be perfectly fine. It worked once, it will work again. tail falls off, tail stays with cat, anthony runs away safe and sound.
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