What type of chameleon is this


New Member
Cameroon mountain sailfin chameleon ?
Anyone know what type of care they require a local importer said he could get me them but they don't live very long most of the time he said
Anyone know what type of care they require a local importer said he could get me them but they don't live very long most of the time he said

That sounds like a person that doesn't know what kind of animals he's working with. Please avoid doing business with these kind of people...
According to one of my books (Necas, Chameleons: nature's hidden jewels), montium can live about 9 years.

I think it's not smart to buy WC montium anyway. The wild population is declining and listed as Near Threatened, they have a small range in which they occur in the wild, habitat destruction causes the population to be fragmented, and they're under pressure due to overcollecting for the pet trade.

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