There is no such thing as a Tamatave Blue Bar. There is a Tamatave and then there is a Blue Bar Ambilobe. I think you may have a Sambava there. Sambavas are usually green when resting, and their bars can look dark maroon like they do in the picture. Also, Sambavas have something known as a "U" bar or a "W" bar. This is where the second bar is attached to the first or third bar and forms the letter u or w. That is what I am seeing in the pic you provided. It might help to post a few more pics when he is displaying some different colors. Ambilobes usually have bars that are more in the shape of a "V"
1 thing ive noticed as that since we bought him recently and hes already jeuvenile hes still not tame so when i get near is throat gets really red also when i turn off the lights l and look at him when hes asleep he turns red