What watt heat bulb? Do I need a bulb on at night?


New Member
I live on the coast of southern california and i am wondering what watt heat bulb i should use. Also do u think i need a bulb on at night
no heat source at night unless your room temps drop generally below 55-50 degress f. a normal incandescent housebulb can be used as a basking light. what species, age, and sex are we looking at?
It depends on how warm your house normally is to what wattage you should use. You only want enough to reach the appropriate basking temperature, not more.

The only bulb you should have at night is a ceramic bulb, and that's only if you need one. The reason is chams need complete darkness to sleep. Any light in the room at night will not allow your cham to sleep, even a dim light. The ceramic bulbs do not emit any light, only heat. Chams can take temps in the 60s at night so as long as it doesn't get lower than that in your house they shouldn't need a heat light.
Chams can take temps in the 60s at night so as long as it doesn't get lower than that in your house they shouldn't need a heat light.

chameleons can go lower than 60 at night. not often is there a case where you need a heat bulb at night. i wouldnt go anywhere below 55degrees but would like to stay around 60-65

if you are getting a panther you would want your basking around 88, a 60W incandescent should cut the cake for you if you live in cal. i would buy a 50, 60 & 75 W just to play around and then return the ones you didnt use
at 12 months i would give them the full basking temp of 88 degrees
Wut about how old the average panther is when he gets a full size cage and how big would the cham be and how big the cage would be
i would offer 24x24x36 for a female, 24x24x48 for a male. just like veileds and most larger chameleons, cage size too me is between those two sizes. i would get the 2x2' for the female still to comfortably fit a laying bin along with a potted plant.

i dont work with panthers...yet, so im not sure how big a full size one can become. from what i have seen though, they do get a very nice size
The cham can be about 6 months old when he can go to his adult cage. Size matters more than age, but at 6 months he's probably learned how to hunt well and will have no issues getting food.

It should be about 2' x 2' x 4'. OR, if you can find/build your own, find a 2' x 3' x 4' cage. <- this would be better, but the 2x2x4 is fine.
pangeareptiles has an XL Reptibreeze for 89$ i believe, that is a very great price for one. LLLReptiles and DIY Cages sells drain pains for around 29$ i believe
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