What's the best screen mesh for adult panther cage?


Avid Member
I want to build a nice large cage for my panther and I've searched around for the best screen but haven't really been able to find what I want. Does anyone know of a vendor in the US who sells the best mesh for this? Some considerations in choosing the right screen are:

1. mesh opening size large enough to make claw damage unlikely but small enough that feeders can't escape
2. plastic or plastic-coated mesh also to prevent foot and claw damage
3. large open area in the mesh to provide good visibility

I'm sure there are other considerations as well, like cost, I don't really want to spend more than I have to of course. If there are other important considerations, I'm open to suggestions.

I've checked Home Depot and didn't really find what I want. Mcmaster has a good selection, but it's hard to pick exactly what I want without seeing it first (www.mcmaster.com). I think that the ideal mesh opening size is about 1/8" what is the general consensus on this? Thanks for any suggestions.
Fine insect screen is the best sort to use! I have neve had trouble with chams loosing nails etc. The best stuff to use is an epoxy coated aluminium mesh. A dark coloured mesh will give the best visibility too!

Hope that helps!
Or you can use a hardware cloth. Maybe 1/8-1/4" so bugs stay in, but it isn't too small for his little nails? :) my guys hardly climb on the mesh/screen anyways so I'm not too concerned. You can also use a normal small aluminum screen and line the inside with plastic chicken wire so he can climb on that instead but still keep bugs in. Just don't use fiberglass or anythin that isn't metal as crickets can chew through it.
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