whats the difference?


Established Member
Whats the difference in veiled chameleons ? I see on LostLakeChameleons.com they have Sunburst X Turquoise 4 month old babys?and some on there say there WC in age? whats all this mean? is there like a difference bloodline in Veiled Chams that give them different colors or something?
WC is wild caught I think. Youll see sunburst,and turquoise veileds,its just a color differential I think.
I know little about the types of veileds but WC means wild caught therfore no bith certificate and you know how chams like to lie about their age(lol) so true age is unknown. I beleive the other issue has to due with coloration but someone with more experience can hopefully help
Ok , and what about when you guys talk about gut loaded feeders? does that mean feed ur own crickets before u feed it to your chameleon?
Yes exactly...your chameleon actually gets nutrition from what the crickets eat...that is why many gutloads are high in calcium and other minerals and vits. Also, WC means wild caught which means you do not know the sire (father) or the date of birth. CB means captive born from a WC mother and CBB means captive bred and born where you know the sire. Many times young chameleons turn out like their sire or father.

Whats the difference in veiled chameleons ? I see on LostLakeChameleons.com they have Sunburst X Turquoise 4 month old babys?and some on there say there WC in age? whats all this mean? is there like a difference bloodline in Veiled Chams that give them different colors or something?

there is no inherent difference except for coloration.
sunburst is yellowish and turquoise is bluish.
but both are the same species.

the analogy is one person has bigger eyes while others has smaller eyes.
they have different eye size but both remain humans.

WC is wild caught.
meaning the chameleon is captured from the wild.
i recommend a CB for beginners.
Captive Born means the chameleon is born in captivity.
they are more adaptive in captivity and less likely to b infested with parasites.
You'll also hear the term "morph" which has to do with coloration. As in sunburst, tuquoise, or even transparent or piebald. In panthers, you'll hear of blue-bar and red-bar, which are just descriptions of the colors of the banding on their sides.
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