What's this?!


New Member
So I noticed this white bump thingy on my pygmy about 2 days ago, I tried to wipe it off with a q-tip but no luck. Is he shedding? Sorry I'm new at this, I'm not sure if I should be concerned, he seems fine otherwise.
If that is what it appears like it is he needs some extra hydration. If a cham is oversupplemented they will expel salts and what not from their nostrils. This appears to be the case. Not a big deal...cut down on his supplements a little bit and bump up the hydration. Should go away soon enough.
hmm...I guess I was looking at the nostril and you are talking about his ribcage. My mistake, as I am not sure on that one.
I was talking about the white thing near his rib cage but it seems to have mysteriously dissapeared today, go figure :p
I wonder what it was. Do you guys think he looks healthy otherwise, I've only had him a week and I'm so paranoid I'm doing everything wrong!
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