What's wrong with my veiled?!

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New Member
Info: 41/2months old female, large reptibreeze cage, heat/UVB lamp, automatic mister, plenty of folige, diet consisting of dusted crickets and mealworms.

For the past two days I haven't seen her eat and then when I came home today she looked really weak. When we took her out of her cage she didn't seem to try to run like she normally does. As we put her back, she started to climb funny and fell twice. Her legs and arms seem to be out of her control. I read about something called MBD, but not sure if that's it. I'm trying to post a video of her walking. Has anyone seen this before and know what's going on?
Please answer the questions in the how to ask for help thread at the top of the health forum so we can help you better and post a recent photo.
Looks like she can't see to me but I'm not a expert by any means so don't hold me to it. Just what I am guessing
Looks like she can't see to me but I'm not a expert by any means so don't hold me to it. Just what I am guessing
No she definitely can see, she was trying to run from the camera I was holding up to her. I've had her since January and she's never acted like this before. She seems really weak.
Yeah definitely not right hopefully someone will chime in here that can help you more let me see if u can find you that form to fill out
I know it sucks and can be expensive. But there is definitely something wrong, nothing ive seen before though. A vet is your best bet
That's why I said couldn't see because she was acting like she had no idea where the branches were so weird. You can make a new one just say you have video and form in description. I wish I could tell you what's wrong that's really weird I would also try and make a vet visit like shablam said
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