when do chams shed?


New Member
my chameleon is about 2 months and ive had him for 3 weeks, he has not shed since ive gotten him, just wondering when that will happen
Hi, I got my panther when he was about 2 1/2 months old and he shed right before 5 months. Hope this helps. Maybe gives you an idea of when. It was very fast when it started.
What type of cham?
My veiled sheds pretty often lately and she is about 2&1/2-3 months old.
When they are growing a lot they shed more often and once they are adults every 6 months or so.
My panther chameleon has shed twice since I've had him. I would say about once every month, and will slow down to every few months once he hits adulthood.
The correct but not helpful answer is whenever they grow or semi annually whichever comes first.

They don't shed on a predictable schedule. Growing babies will shed more often than fully grown adults.

Sometimes injuries can cause them to shed more often.

Hope this helps
My Panthers didn't get their first shed until about 2 months. Now they are all about 3-5 months and they have been shedding every 2 weeks.. but as someone already said it is all about the rate of growth.. the faster they grow the faster they shed.
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