I hope I am posting this in the correct forum. I have read that in order to reduce,or prevent all together, females from laying you can cut back their feedings and keep basking at around 80*. I am not sure how old Penelope is but I am thinking she is close to 5 months. She still eats like a little pig and I am worried about cutting back on her feedings too soon. She is very active and she will eat crickets (MD), Dubia's, and mini meal worms. As soon as weather and budget permit I will be ordering silkworms. I am trying to get a breeding colony of dubia's going so I can stop feeding crickets but its going slow because I am having trouble keeping temps in the 90's. My male Rebel is full grown and was probably close to a year old when I got him so I am brand new to owning a baby or a female. I just want to make sure I am doing what I need to do to keep her healthy. Any advice would be great. I have read links on keeping females but I do not recall at what age to reduce feeding.
Thank you,
Thank you,