When to throw out ff culture


Ok, so i put together a basic ff culture of hydei.
I used potato flakes sugar and some yeast all mixed with a 50/50 of water and vineger. This gave me a look much like mashed potatos.

What colors should i look out for and what colors are ok.
Ive read elsewhere that green and blue is alright...to an extent.
My mix has turned a brownish green. My first flies are emerging and id like to know if they are safe to feed my quads. I smelt the mix (i know!) and it smelt much of the same as a store bought ff culture. Only difference is color, most likely from being a different recipe.
I am easy, if they produce I feed the fly's off. never had a problem yet. I keep at least 3 ff's cultures going at all times as I have williamsi geckos.
I raise both Hydei and Malanogaster. I will say that the Hydeis take forever compared to the Malanogaster. Nice to have the big flies, but there is a reason most people seem to have Melanogaster and I'm pretty sure it is the time thing. Once a culture has started producing I do not keep it longer than a month. I have read that this will help stay ahead of the parasitic mite infestation that always seems to plague FFs. I don't know what to say about the color thing. Mine don't get psychedelic like that. I mostly worry about them drying out. I also keep them on paper towels that have been sprayed with bird mite spray to help control the mite problem.
I just buy commercial media as I find it easier and its pretty cheap in bulk but it does look like a brownish paste when its ready

it will typically last around 1 month, but you can ttell as the larva when fresh are white, and turn orangish/black after they hatch. if the entire container is filled with orangish/black shells and no more new white larva and no living FF's ...trash it
That's pretty young. Should be ok. You can actually see the mites we are talking about. When I get a bit of fungus in there I just add a bit of water and swirl it around.

Ya 50/50 vinegar is unnecessarily high.
started a new culture with less vinegar and some cinnamon. used flies from old culture to knock up new culture.
Thanks for all the input!
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