Chameleon Enthusiast
For veiled chameleons I can figure out a way to make it work, but for like a Panther I can't think of a way to make it work without stressing the animal out. Veiled chameleons tall casque makes it easy to do and probably wouldn'
bother them much more than when they are shedding their casque, and usually @jannb you don't have the hat on for very long, correct? I think the post was about for extended periods of time like a permanent accessory. I never saw the thread though. Also, I think you fall into the almost every forum member @jamest0o0 trusts wouldn't do that. Also my post was in regards to chameleon species without the tall casque the veiled chameleon's have.
The thing is, it won't kill your chameleon. Some may more or less not care depending on how used to people they are and how relaxed that individual is. I just have a problem with anthropomorphizing animals. It leads to their suffering in many cases.