Where are yall getting your ficus's?


Established Member
So i cant find a ficus to fit in my 18x18x36. Well let me re phrase that, I cant find a ficus that fits NICELY in my cage. I can find them that are 24" tall or like 4' tall! What should i do? I LOVE ficus trees, i had them before i had a chameleon actually lol and i really wish i had the space to make a freerange setup cuz i have 2 or 3 5ish ft ficus's in my living room, but my fiance wouldnt exactly be happy with a chameleon venturing through the house lol.

Ive checked a local nursery and 3 or 4 lowes/home depots and nothing would work for a cham :(
So i cant find a ficus to fit in my 18x18x36. Well let me re phrase that, I cant find a ficus that fits NICELY in my cage. I can find them that are 24" tall or like 4' tall! What should i do? I LOVE ficus trees, i had them before i had a chameleon actually lol and i really wish i had the space to make a freerange setup cuz i have 2 or 3 5ish ft ficus's in my living room, but my fiance wouldnt exactly be happy with a chameleon venturing through the house lol.

Ive checked a local nursery and 3 or 4 lowes/home depots and nothing would work for a cham :(

Get the 4 foot tall and trim it. I found this video that will helps. It's called Chameleon Bonsai http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCg1vJhbijw
Every once in a while my supermarket will put out some. I grabbed one there last year. The supermarket also has really nice pothos most of the time too. So that could be a different place to check.
I got a very nice 4 foot tall ficus at my local Lowe's Hardware. It's beautiful and adds alot to the cage and my room. It came in a beautiful blue ceramic pot and was $19.99. I repotted it in a plastic pot, to lessen the weight. And I used organic soil
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Check all your local nurseries. Now is the best time to find plants on sale. I got a nice 3ft schefflerra for 5.50 this week. Im going back to grab a cpl more these are normally 16.99 each. So a 70% savings! Nows the time to stock up on plants guys. Its kind of hard to find suitable pots this time of year though. Everythings being put awaay for x-mas stuff. ;)
be careful with plants from supermarkets they spray a plant shine on them to make them more appealing well at least with the pothos!
You can pick one up from lll reptile and their ficus's are already safe for your chameleon to use. (no need to repot etc.) Their large size ficus i received seemed that it would fit nicely in a 18x18x36.:)
Get the 4 foot tall and trim it. I found this video that will helps. It's called Chameleon Bonsai http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCg1vJhbijw


You can pick one up from lll reptile and their ficus's are already safe for your chameleon to use. (no need to repot etc.) Their large size ficus i received seemed that it would fit nicely in a 18x18x36.:)

I was holding off on going down to LLL for the fact of 1) i cant go there without spending way extra money 2) i dont like the drive down there 3) see 1 and 2 lol. They were going to be my last resort.
I can't find ficus anywhere. What name do they put on the tags at lowes/home depot, does it actually say ficus? Bonsai?
Way out of the way Home Depot locations FTW!!! :) I find some amazing 3-4' ficus' at this one home depot that's way across town. Well worth it though, they are very bushy.
So i cant find a ficus to fit in my 18x18x36. Well let me re phrase that, I cant find a ficus that fits NICELY in my cage. I can find them that are 24" tall or like 4' tall! What should i do? I LOVE ficus trees, i had them before i had a chameleon actually lol and i really wish i had the space to make a freerange setup cuz i have 2 or 3 5ish ft ficus's in my living room, but my fiance wouldnt exactly be happy with a chameleon venturing through the house lol.

Ive checked a local nursery and 3 or 4 lowes/home depots and nothing would work for a cham :(

Got mine from http://www.chameleonsonly.com/plants.htm & it fits my 16 deep by 24 long & 30 high cage nicely! I bought the smaller of the 2 sizes... think it was the 6 inch pot & was about 24" high & full. Also they are pesticide free!!! Got them pretty fast too. I should have only got one, one fit very nicely. So I'm using the second in the house:).
I can't find ficus anywhere. What name do they put on the tags at lowes/home depot, does it actually say ficus? Bonsai?


dude, you're from PA. you'll be lucky if you can find pothos this time of the year.
the original poster and many of the replys are from people that live in Cali.
they have about 500 times more options this time of the year to buy plants then you or I.

disregard any crybabies who might not want to "drive" to LLL for a plant.
because for you and I, all we got is the "buy it now" button.


dude, you're from PA. you'll be lucky if you can find pothos this time of the year.
the original poster and many of the replys are from people that live in Cali.
they have about 500 times more options this time of the year to buy plants then you or I.

disregard any crybabies who might not want to "drive" to LLL for a plant.
because for you and I, all we got is the "buy it now" button.


It ain't all sunshine here! It's the one day I was going to try to fit in a an outdoor session with my guys and it's raining here in Los Angeles :mad:. Oh well, back to plan A- Football!
disregard any crybabies who might not want to "drive" to LLL for a plant.
because for you and I, all we got is the "buy it now" button.


lol if youve ever been to CA you would understand the drive from orange county to san diego is about the same as skinning yourself. The 5S is the WORST freeway in the history of history. its about 35-40 miles and is easily a 2+ hour drive last time i made the trip down there
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