Where can i buy Chameleons when on a budget?


New Member
Well, i just bought all the supplies including the cage for a new chameleon, and once i have the cage setup i will buy a chameleon. I have gone to many websites to look for panther chameleons but they all seem really expensive. i would like to buy one under 200$.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!!

Kingsnake.com is another option, but most credible sellers are also members here. They usually offer better prices on this forum in the spirit of fellowship to other forum members. Be warned there are a few less than honest people on kingsnake. So always research any potential vendors on fauna classifieds.com BOI (Board of Inquiry).

The biggest problem with your budget, is that yes you can find panthers for under 200, but more times than not, after you pay shipping you will break that budget.
When considering buying them make sure you consider the chance that you may have to take them to the vet etc. If you want a cheaper chameleon that is good for starters go with a veiled. They are fun, just some tend to have anger issues (others seem to be very docile though). I tend to like panthers, but when my friends come over they always like my veiled better.
If you can't afford to pay more than $200 for a chameleon, I have to suggest you're not ready to own one. In my opinion, if you dont have at least $500 (preferably $1000) set aside for the chameleons care (such as vet bills) from the start, you arent finacially ready to take on the responsibility. And I suspect that if paying a reasonable $300 for a panther sounds like too much, then you've likely not saved much for its future care requirements.

that said, check the classifieds on this forum, or consider a local hobby breeder. Also Hybrids are often less expesive than "pure" locals, and yet are every bit as awesome.
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