where do i get mantises? and also how do i raise them and breed them! NEED TIPS!


Avid Member
Hi I am looking for praying mantises for a reasonable price. also how do i go about raising and breeding them to make a colony or w.e. you were to call a group of them. any tips on them? i want to stock up before fall/winter. and get the "colony" going strong. thanks
Go to your local nursery and they may have an egg sack for sell there. Mine usually have them for sell.
Here's a website PACKED with some information on Mantis:
http://aqualandpetsplus.com/Bug, Mantids.htm

Also read this:

You can buy some here:
But keep in mind they are pretty pricey.

Or also here:

In my opinion, search here, if you can't find it here do a quick google search. If neither of the two rear a result then post. It's not so much that people try to attack you, but more the fact that we like to keep the forum "clean" and that means making sure that previously covered topics are still used to cover new questions. There's no reason to have the same information in 10 posts right?

I hope you reconsider giving up your chams, what kind do you have? Take what you've learned and just run with it. Next time you get "attacked" in a thread just shake it off mate. No use ruffling your feathers over spilled milk. If you are truly getting rid of it I may be willing to house it as a humane society is a terrible place for any pet to go if it can be avoided.
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