Where do you buy your screen?

Lowes or home depo have them but I dont like them because i think they are 1/32. For the adult cage that I am making, I'm looking for screens that are at 1/8 but I'm have some trouble finding them. Then only one so far that even comes close to it is hardware cloth but I think they are 1/4 and above.
That one of the sites that I did look at but like you said they are expensive. I would rather like to have a screen that is 1/8 if possible though. If I have no other options then I will just go with the 1/4 hardware cloth but I rather not.
Oh man i know how hard it is, i have been wondering were i can get some pvc coated hardware cloth with 1/4 in or smaller holes, but its sooooooooooooo hard.
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