Where to get the best veiled chams?


New Member
My buddy finally played with my panther and he decided that he wanted a chan of his own. I told him that he shouldn't get one unless he wanted to drop about about 800 to get everything good and working so I sent him looking at veileds... I figured I would ask around the forum and find out where to get a good veiled from in case he is actually serious. Anyone have a good idea of where to get some good looking ones? I looked at theveiledchameleon.com but their selling theirs at 2.5 months. I think that's a little young for him to have his fire cham... Anyways, please give any input and extra comments! Thanks!
$800.00!?!?!?! Dang... That's too steep, he might find a good setup and veiled for $400.00

As for where to find the chameleon is more of a preference thing, let him browse website, check out the sponsors...
Yeah! 800 sounds a bit pricey. Unless you're getting everything TOP OF THE LINE and not improvising and making homemade stuff. Hahaha.

I'm getting my veiled from Chameleons Northwest. They're turquoise though, so I don't know if your friend would be interested in those, but they are great people. I'd recommend them.
He wants a set up like mine. So, MistKing, drain systems, supplements, lots of lighting, shelving, plants, lots of vines, all the best stuff I can get my hands on and it started adding up! lol but yeah he could get a solid set up for that price. Great idea though, I'll let him look around with the sponsors. What do y'all think he should get age wise? I got my panther at 3.5, I feel like 2.5 is a little young if you're not too sure what you're doing
Yeah, getting a Veiled will definitely lower the price a bit. Hahaha. I haven't been keeping chameleons too long, but from what I've read 2.5 isn't TOOOO young, but it also doesn't seem ideal.
Any of the sponsors are great.
I like that you told him $800.
It could definitely be done for less, but if hes serious then that makes sure he'll have plenty of cash to care for it...and probably wind up with a clean setup.;)
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