which is easiest to care for


Established Member
hi! i have a veiled cham and hes doing well. But, ive heard that there are easier to care for and i was wondering which ones are easier because i have been thinking about buying a new one and i was just wondering if there were any easer chams to care for. also where is the best place to buy said cham.
Oh no! The addiction begins. lol. The panthers are just as easy to take care of as the veilds but i would stick with males e specially if you are a newbie. Just remember because you think 1 is easy doesn't mean having 2 is just as easy. You now have doubled your work load. It sounds simple enough but the more you have the more difficult it becomes to take care of ALL of them the way they should be. Missing just 1 misting could mean the start of trouble. So if you think you are really ready try a panther and good luck. How long have you had your veild for?

To be honest with you there are really no chams that are (easy) to take care of. They all require a proper setup, feeding, cleaning, misting, humidity...etc. Besides the veiled you have already the other ones would be of course the panther or say the pygmys...Brevs can be housed together (to a certain extent) and are primarly kept in glass inclosures with the proper setup.

I am sure others will chime in as well but those would be my top 3.
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