Which large chameleon would you recommend?


I am thinking about getting into larger chameleons. I only hope to keep one.I have only ever had a Tamatave and now Ambilobe. I know chameleon temperament is different but I am hoping for something known for their mellow temperament so it hopefully may be easier to handle when the need arises. If you have experience w a large chameleon you enjoy I would love to hear your suggestions. Thank you.
I have never owned one personally, but I raised several dozen baby oustalets for someone else and found them to be very much like panthers. They didn't stress as easily as Meller's can (I have three Meller's and they aren't as easy going as panthers, even though they hand-feed and tolerate me I definitely couldn't take them with me to Petsmart for fun, for example.) The Ousties seemed more like panthers personality wise, where they can be very easy going when raised and socialized properly.
I agree with Olimpia about the Meller's attitude. If I move one of mine, or have to pick it up for any reason, they stare at me like they hate me as I put them back on a branch, and have a mild temper tantrum by wondering off and sitting up high in a corner of their room for an hour or so. I've never had an oustie but The Chameleon Farm has a very good looking male that they take everywhere, and it appears to not be bothered by it at all.

I agree with outstalets and maybe a giant fischers (k. Matschiei) . I don't think going from panthers to parsons is a a good idea though, I mean $2.5k is a lot a money for one Cham:0. They aren't a sponsor but sticky tongue farms has some outstalets I believe. I met them at a show and they were really personable and their outstalets was sooo tame.
I hoping there will be quite a few CB parsonii available here in a couple years with everyone's females laying lately. Maybe in 2 years I can save enough for a unrelated pair. Lol

Personaly, and this is my own opinion only, I would not spend 2K$$ on
a cham unless I lived in a place were the climate comes close to their
natural location.
Like FL, or S. California.
Oustalets would be a great choice. You could also get a male veiled, which tend to get pretty big. Or you could go with a parsons.
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