which one is better?


New Member

Is there any difference between Zoo Med reptile Sun 5.0 and Exo Terra Repti Glo 5.0? Thank you in advance.
i use both, the reptisun seems to be perfered and seems to last a little longer. reptiglow has been easier and cheaper for me to get lately and i have had no problems with them.
Thank you both of you for the prompt response.

Try to get my cage ready while waiting for my baby veiled chameleon.
i have had problems in the past with exo terras products, with something as important as UV, go with reptisun. Some ppl say the exo terra bulbs cause eye damage
Thanks again bechsgaard.

Sorry, one more question. Can anyone let me know where to get the light fixture for UVB fluorescent tube? I went to several pets stores around Toronto area but could not find it. Thanks.
You can get almost any size fixture at Walmart for $10-15. I believe the 18" fixtures are only $7. If you don't have a Walmart close by, you can also try a home improvement warehouse like Home Depot or Lowes. They'll have fixtures of every size. Don't buy them from the pet store, I learned that the hard way. Wayyyy over-priced!
Yea, get stuff like fixtures at home improvement stores like Nate just mentioned. It's way cheaper and they do the exact same thing.

The Reptisun produces a bit more UVB. But the reptiglo is cheaper, so I've also gotten it if I was a little short one month. But the reptisun is highly recommended.
Sun is better, Glo usually lasts alot less time. I've heard many bad things about Glo, like if you have a bad one it'll cause eye damage.

where did you hear that the Reptiglo causes eye damage? Here is a link of an actual test that was done in the UK. It is not someone just saying one is better than the other but was actually put through a series of tests. In the end the Reptisun won out as it puts out more UVB. http://www.martinsreptiles.co.uk/ukchams/intro_uvlighting_tests.pdf
A few months ago I did read a report that told about some bulbs putting out too much UV and causing eye damage but I believe it was from compact florescents and the companies were contacted and changes were made. But it was found in like 2009 so no worries now. The study was on this website http://www.uvguide.co.uk/index.htm but I can't seem to find it but it is a very good source for information on UV bulbs
Thanks again bechsgaard.

Sorry, one more question. Can anyone let me know where to get the light fixture for UVB fluorescent tube? I went to several pets stores around Toronto area but could not find it. Thanks.
ah you are a fellow torontonian. There is a great little reptile store called Earth Echoes, the owner is very knowlegable and gives great deals. If you can get there it will be worth your while. Earthechoes.ca and its located at dufferin and bloor. THe fixtures at lowes and canadian tire arnt good because they dont stay ontop of your terrarium. You need a hooded fixture
I just got a light fixture from Home Depot 2 days ago come pre wired already on/off switch too for 19.95 "which is by far the cheapest quality light I ever seen" it was Dual Lights and fits repti sun or repti glo 48inch tubes. Id imagine they have a shorter one if needed like 24 inch.

I use both reptisun and repti glo bulbs equally the long tube bulbs that is. I also use repti glo compacts often too in terrariums.
i have had problems in the past with exo terras products, with something as important as UV, go with reptisun. Some ppl say the exo terra bulbs cause eye damage

The Exo Terra bulbs have NEVER been linked to the eye issues you speak of. In fact, it was the ZooMed Reptisun compact fluorescents that you are recommending that were (http://www.uvguide.co.uk/phototherapyphosphor.htm). The formulas have since been changed and they are safe but you should not blame a company that was not implicated in the issues. Please check your facts before you post!

The Exo Terra bulbs have NEVER been linked to the eye issues you speak of. In fact, it was the ZooMed Reptisun compact fluorescents that you are recommending that were (http://www.uvguide.co.uk/phototherapyphosphor.htm). The formulas have since been changed and they are safe but you should not blame a company that was not implicated in the issues. Please check your facts before you post!


There it is! I knew it was on that website I just couldnt find it
I have always used Reptiglo and I change them every 6 months. These were the recommended bulbs for use with my fixture when I got my first cham, so I have stuck with them ever since.
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