which screen cage????


New Member
Im stuck between ordering a medium repti breeze and a large rept ibreeze the medium fits perfectly in my setup area but I dont want to deprive my chameleon if its that big of a deal that he needs a few more inches. The pet store isnt sure how old he is but he cant be more than 6 monthes hes not full grown and hes been in an extremly small tank for onths there . which one could I get away with getting at least for the next 5 months??? and then I will get a bigger one. IS it that big of a deal to get a medium instead of large basically
I would buy a full sized but the way my rooms set up with my stuff I dont have the right space for him for a full sized so thats why Im waiting until mid summer to upgrade him I jsut want to make sure that a medium is ok for now until I figure out my space situation Im also going to get a exo terra vivarium for outside on appropriate days so he can have some fresh air . I dont see why a medium wouldnt be ok for now becasue hes pretty small and its a lot of room for him hes about 5 inches right now
ya actually the reason why sorry to back up I forgot to mention I'm getting a panther chameleon in the summer at one of the expos not sure which one yet but most likely that panther will be on the small side so I was thinking of upgrading the Jacksons by that time and putting the panther in the small one and once hes grown out of the small one Ill have two Xlarge screen cages and Ill sell my Medium.
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