White bump on nose


New Member
Hello all and I am sorry that this is my first post i was hoping to give an introduction earlier but unfortunately Ive had a problem before such an opportunity permitted.

I have an approx 2 - 3mo old male veiled cham that I just purchased from a local breeder on Sunday. He is approx 4in long from tip to tail maybe a lil longer and is kept for the time being in a 24'' tall reptarium until he is a lil bit bigger. I use a 5.0 UVB bulb unsure of brand as it was bought open box at the show and a Zoo med basking bulb. I feed him crickets once a day approx 15-20 and what he doesnt eat is removed nightly. I mist his cage 3-4x a day and he is kept in my fish room so it stays pretty humid in there 70-80% in his cage and about 40-60% in the room due to the amount of water i keep in there. Today when i gave him his visual inspection (through the cage i havent handled him since i got him as i dont want to stress him out just yet) that he has 2 white bumps where his nostrils are. He still ate as soon as I put his crickets in. Is this a part of him getting ready to shed? Or is this a possible cyst or allergic reaction to something? Im using plastic plants for the time being till he goes into his new home.

Ps. His feeders are dusted with vitamins daily w/o d3 and so far ive only used d3 vitamin supplement 1x this week and plan on doing that till he reaches sub-adulthood.
Need pictures.

These "bumps" are under the skin? How large? Or is this stuff coming out of his nostrils that look like bumps?

Sounds like to me (if you are dusting everyday with calcium, and not rotating in other vits without calcium) that it is over-supplementation and you are giving him too much.

Again, just going off of your description - i might be thinking of something totally different here tho.

Again, need pictures
Sounds like over-supplementation to me... The nostrils are an exit for excess. Daily supplementation seems like a mistake, especially if you're dusting everything in generous amounts. Chameleons require a multivitamin supplement as well as a calcium supplement (without and with D3 if the cham lives inside). You should be switching between these supplements and using only the smallest amounts at a time. My chams live outdoors and so they only get their supplements maybe twice a month.
Hello Turbo!
Well, welcome to the forum!
It's a great thing you found it too.
You wont find better knowledge and experience gathered at the same place anywhere else.

From the sounds of what is going on... it seems like you might be over supplementing.
Chameleons excrete excess salts and minerals out of their nostrils.
It doesn't take very much to reverse the poor calcium to phosphorous ratio of crickets.
A light coating of the abdomen or hindquarters is all that is needed.
Their is no need to shake-and-bake them in a zip lock bag.
They don't need to look like ghost crickets running around the cage.
For young chameleons I dust 1/3 of the feeders with a phosphorous free calcium.
So, since you are feed 15-20 crickets per day you only need to dust 5 or 6.
What size crickets are you feeding?

You did mention that you needed to get other supplements.
I would recommend:
RepCal phosphorous free calcium without D3 at most feedings
RepCal phosphorous free calcium with D3 once a week or every other week with a growing baby.
RepCal Herptivite(multivitamin) once a week or every other week with a growing baby

Some other good choices:
Sand Fire's T-Rex Chameleon Formula

You can also check out my care sheet on my website.
Thank you all after I had read through your post and inspected him again it does sound like it could be an overdose on the supplements. Im not dusting em real heavy but i will cut back. I didnt realize they were that sensitive to the supplements (I know that more is not better and i try to err on the side of caution.). I will try to get pics up tomorrow of the bump when i get home from work. Again thanks all for the advice and i will keep you updated.

Ps. It looks almost like his urea i thought he had maybe had gotten some on his nose at first till i had gotten a good look right before my initial post.
oh and they are 1/4'' crickets. Its what they breeder had suggested in size. I was dusting all the crickets so after reading the replies i removed the ones in his feeding cup with fresh undusted ones.
The best thing to do right now as well is keep PLENTY of water available to the guy. Hes a bit young still for a shower, but you need to aid him in flushing that out of his system with hydration. Up your misting from what you normally do, keep a dripper going for 12 hrs, etc.

Water water water!
I went to take pics for the forum this morning when i got home from work and the bumps appeared to be gone. I will keep an eye on his nose for the reappearance of the bumps and rethink my supplement regimine from this point on. Thank you all for your help and advice.
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