white dots on chameleon skin


my panther chameleon just started getting these white dots on his skin what does this mean?


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If using RO water this won't be the problem but dissolved solids in municipal mains water can remain on chams skin after its evaporated especially if it's hard water and unfiltered 👍
i make sure to use bottled water thank you for helping though
That may well be your problem, if you use mineral or spring water(depending on source). they can contain high TDs (total dissolved solids) they are treated for bacteria and certain contaminants but the often the mineral content is kept such as calcium, magnesium etc.. as it is beneficial to us as consumers and often improves and gives distinct taste. Your more expensive mineral waters can have extremely high TDS.
You can get an idea of your brands TDs from this table of selected commercially available bottled waters U.S (some presumptions have been made apologies if you are not in U.S )

i really appreciate all your help but unfortunately he has passed away from a different cause i will look into this and make sure my other chameleons don’t get white dots thank you. what water do you give them?
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