White dubia???



Has anyone seen a white or albino dubia?
I'm not sure it would even be albino but i am not sure.

I went inside the garage today after having a few drinks ;) (wifes birthday) and i seen a white dubia. I had 6 males. one male turned completely white. like a change in exoskeleton pigment or something. has anyone seen this before? and what causes it? temp is averaging 75 F. i know it should be about 80 or 85 but the heatpad i have regulates it at 75. Is it from being lower than it's supposed to be? the container is pitch black that they live in. What do you think it is?

Are you sure it didn't just molt? Crickets turn white as soon as they molt and as their exoskeletons harder, they regain normal coloration. Not 100% sure cause i dont have roaches but its just a thought.
Hey Chad, when they molt, do they leave an exoskeleton behind?
yes they do and it looks just like a live roach but no insides. that is very tricky sometimes
I loved it when I first saw my male looking like a white knight, and his perfect exo left upside down in the container. A day later and he was back to his dark color again. I've kept the exo to show and tell when I'm invited to lecture kid's classes.
White Roaches

BTW, a freshly molted white roach is a very tasty meal to a cham. My adult chams do not like the hard brown roaches, they will only eat the soft white ones.

They also prefer their crickets and superworms freshly moted, but they will eat those prey items brown.
HA!!! The big lightbulb... Now I know why Lali only eats the light coloured crickets!!! And I do see the rest of them prefering lighter coloured bugs. Well duh, now, huh? lol
Thanks for the info. :}
BTW, a freshly molted white roach is a very tasty meal to a cham. My adult chams do not like the hard brown roaches, they will only eat the soft white ones.

They also prefer their crickets and superworms freshly moted, but they will eat those prey items brown.

no kidding my chams go nuts over newly molted superworms. So tender and juicy, ive even been tempted to snag a bite ;)
I take the "ghost" males and feed them asap to the chams
they go down easier. the chams turn their noses up at the hard shelled males
they're not nearly as meaty as the females... but mostly wings and shell.
Every cham I have will only go after the ones without wings nowdays unless they're white.
You only need a few males to keep the breeding cycles going
so pull them as soon as you see those white wings expanding.
I take the "ghost" males and feed them asap to the chams
they go down easier. the chams turn their noses up at the hard shelled males
they're not nearly as meaty as the females... but mostly wings and shell.
Every cham I have will only go after the ones without wings nowdays unless they're white.
You only need a few males to keep the breeding cycles going
so pull them as soon as you see those white wings expanding.

The aurthor of this thread is banned.. and his post was from last year .. :D:D:D
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