White poop thread?


New Member
My Cham took a poop recently, and I noticed a small white thread hanging from his butt. It didn't seem like a big deal.. What is this? A chameleon dingleberry? I have been at work all day and haven't been back yet. If it's still there, is there a problem? It's small and thin, like 1.5 cm of fishing line
It is part of a sperm plug most likely. I remember seeing one when I first got my chameleon and I thought it was a worm! It does not move right??? I removed one one day and it was thicker as it came out. I would not suggest doing that. Just leave it be and it should work its way out.
it sounds like it could possibly be a threadworm, although threadworms wouldnt usually be solo. pics would have been immensely helpful.
if it happens again, i would try to check it for movement under a good magnifying glass or viewer, would probably also be a good idea to check out his feces under a viewer, thread worms can be visible to the naked eye so you dont need much magnification. the only way to know whats up for sure is to submit a fecal. jmo. how long was it? 1.5 cm you say? hmm, very suspicious! a adult female threadworm can grow to 1.3 cm

threadworms also do not like light, and are most likely light to exit at about 4 am, might not be a bad idea to look at your chams butt and any feces in the cage with a flashlight around that time. also, threadworms are capable of entering through the skin , so gloves and sensible handling procedures would be a good idea, until you find out one way or the other. jmo
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it sounds like it could possibly be a threadworm, although threadworms wouldnt usually be solo. pics would have been immensely helpful.
if it happens again, i would try to check it for movement under a good magnifying glass or viewer, would probably also be a good idea to check out his feces under a viewer, thread worms can be visible to the naked eye so you dont need much magnification. the only way to know whats up for sure is to submit a fecal. jmo. how long was it? 1.5 cm you say? hmm, very suspicious! a adult female threadworm can grow to 1.3 cm

threadworms also do not like light, and are most likely light to exit at about 4 am, might not be a bad idea to look at your chams butt and any feces in the cage with a flashlight around that time. also, threadworms are capable of entering through the skin , so gloves and sensible handling procedures would be a good idea, until you find out one way or the other. jmo

It really did not concern me at the moment, I was just curious to see what it was so I made this post. I will examine some of his poop to see if I can find a worm..

I noticed it at about 10 AM so I am guessing everything is ok. Thanks for the reply tho
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