White spots


New Member
Does this look like it could be a sign of Vitamin A deficiency? Her appetite has decreased during the last three weeks. Please let me know what you think.


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Hello, You have come to the right place. Just a little slow tonight. First, if you could copy and paste the link below to your reply and fill in the answers as detailed as possible it will help with a lot of questions.
She looks either over weight or maybe her neck is swollen. More pics will be helpful and the answers to the link may show something.
Is she do to shed? could you get a better pick of the white spots. Could still be several things.
Hope this will get you started toward an answer.
Your Chameleon - Female, Nosy be ~ 11mo, had her for 8mo
Handling - maybe once every 2 weeks
Feeding - staple diet are gutloaded crickets, occassionally some mealworms, prob about 6-8 crickets every other day around 9am. For gutloading i use mustard green, collard greens, apples bananas, apples, carrots all in a mix.
Supplements - Every feeding I use a calcium powder, no d3, and about 2 a mo i use a multi with d3.?
Watering - Have a mist king that goes off throughout the day at 30-120 secs. I do see them drink.
Fecal Description - Dark brown with whitish urate, somtimes can have glossy film over it.
History -
Cage Info:
Cage Type - Screen cage, large 36X18X18
Lighting - reptisun, 5.0 uvb, tube? lights are on from 6:30am-530pm?
Temperature - cage at bottom ~67 basking ~ 87F. lowest 64f
Humidity - humidity ~ 45%, have cool mist humidifier and mist king
Plants - I use a golden pathos, and umbrella tree
Placement - top of cage is ~6.5 ft off ground
Location -Mass?

Current Problem - Has fatty tissue around neck, white skin spots, possibly from shed, decrease in appetite.
Are you sure she is not carrying eggs? Some times chameleons will get gular edema(fluid) around their neck when they are gravid. I am not sure of the reason but I have seen it on here before. If she is not gravid, as has the edema it is being caused by something else. No one really knows the cause of it. I have a chameleon I took in a year ago(a male) that has it and it comes and goes. Some say over supplementation or an imbalance of some sort. It comes and goes and I have yet to conquer it trying different diet and changing up gutload, supplments etc Also you said her appetite has decreased. That will happen when they get eggs. Do you have a laying bin set up for her?? I don't think Vit A has anything to do with her condition right now.
carol5208 gave good advice. My concern with the white spots. Are they those large white circles. May need to find a vet. Could be a fungus or bacteria of some kind. First, It would help to try and get a better pick of the ares and state their size. Follow what Carol said and get a laying bin in there encase of eggs. If you end up going to the vet I would get her xrayed for eggs so you'll know for sure.
carol5208 gave good advice. My concern with the white spots. Are they those large white circles. May need to find a vet. Could be a fungus or bacteria of some kind. First, It would help to try and get a better pick of the ares and state their size. Follow what Carol said and get a laying bin in there encase of eggs. If you end up going to the vet I would get her xrayed for eggs so you'll know for sure.

I forgot about the spots and it is hard to tell from the pic exactly what it is.
I have a large pot with the umbrella tree taking 1/4 of the area, the rest if filled with potting soil/sand mixture. I have been thinking she has eggs as-well, but have yet to see her go down and investigate for potential laying.
so now her appetite is non-existent, she will not eat anything. I am hoping from what you guys said, and what i thought that she will lay. She does look rather plump, but when i feel for eggs there is nothing there. She is still drinking and climbing on the higher branches, but she is very sluggish. Do you think i should move her to her laying trash can bin? I have the large pot in there already as a laying bin, but this will be more secluded. Or do you think i am just freaking out and she is on a food strike? Please tell me what you think.
Does this look like it could be a sign of Vitamin A deficiency? Her appetite has decreased during the last three weeks. Please let me know what you think.

I haven't heard that a Vit A deficiency can cause skin discoloration. But the pics are not very clear either. Possible early sign of shedding or a slight burn? I've also read that occasionally some panthers develop odd spots of coloration as they age but I don't know much about that either. Sorry.
Well if she is getting ready to lay, I would just put some towels around the enclosure and give her complete privacy.. Thats if that is the case. She may be getting ready. They also don't eat very much before they lay, has she been exploring around the bottom at all? Because that should be a huge sign, my female Veiled used to do that often.
So I figured the skin spots were either uv burns that have already shed and fallen off. But what are your thoughts on her regarding eggs? Could she just be fat ? Or possibly egg bound
Well i figured out that the white spots were old burns or past sheds that were beginning to shed off. But with the fact that she hasn't eaten anything in the past 4 days and haven't really seen any waste, I am beginning to worry. she is still drinking tho, which is good. My question is do u think that she could be carrying eggs or just a (heathy) consumer.
No she has not gone down to the bottom at all, which is also a huge concern. she just sits up in the top of the plant and hangs out up there.
Hmm to me that is strange, but she may just be on a hunger strike.. Have you tried giving her a variety of different food items? Like Superworms, butterworms, Roaches, mealworms, wax worms(shy away because they aren't the greatest for chameleons as they don't have very good nutrients and have from what I have heard a larger fat percentage) silkworms, hornworms? Anything besides just crickets? Or if you are from munich locust I am guessing.
if she needs to lay soon, she may not eat.

its normal, shemay not go to her lay bin until she actually has to lay, but it is not uncommon for females to stop eating before they lay.
if she needs to lay soon, she may not eat.

its normal, shemay not go to her lay bin until she actually has to lay, but it is not uncommon for females to stop eating before they lay.

That is what I had thought but he said that she hasn't been near the bottom or given any signs besides that and thats exactly what I was thinking Camimom :) Great minds think alike :p
I have a colony of dubias going and she doesn't seem to like those, i offered her hornworms, but payed no attention, even super-worms or meal-worms will not catch her attention. Like i said before, I felt her stomach and there was no sign of eggs present (have done work on turtles, and know what gravid females feel like). I put a sheet over her cage so she can go about her business for awhile without stress.
I have a colony of dubias going and she doesn't seem to like those, i offered her hornworms, but payed no attention, even super-worms or meal-worms will not catch her attention. Like i said before, I felt her stomach and there was no sign of eggs present (have done work on turtles, and know what gravid females feel like). I put a sheet over her cage so she can go about her business for awhile without stress.

That sounds good, leave her be for awhile. Maybe even with the experience, and its new to you also you can't feel it and don't know what to look for? I tried on my Veiled and couldn't get the hang of it.. She wasn't gravid at the time though.
So she is having this really weird shed, could this be why she is not eating? could she not be pregnant at all, and not eating or acting strange from this shed Has anyone else noticed if females been known to shed before a lay in chameleon spps? Here are some more (poor quality) photos.


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