Who else is keeping their chams free range?

Andrew. Where'd you score that ficus? I just came back from the Nursery in the hot valley and got a couple I'm not really happy about.
I've been thinking of free ranging my veiled but don't know where to start. Any tips? I didn't realize that you guys even give them a rope or ladder to climb down onto the floor. In that case, obviously i should choose a room where if he were to explore, then he would only stay in that room away from hazards, easily be found, and easily find his way back to trees, correct?
How do you deal with poop and mistings? I saw that other picture where there's plastic to collect the water drops into the plant's pot or something, but how do others deal with that... As I wouldn't want my carpet or wood flooring wet (my wood flooring is already bumpy from water spills and all that).
I really want to free range my veiled, but don't know where to start. any PM's or replies on this post would help. I thought that if you would free range them in a room, you should make it so that your cham wouldn't be able to crawl onto the floor and get lost and stay in the trees and stuff... er... help? lol.
I've been thinking of free ranging my veiled but don't know where to start. Any tips? I didn't realize that you guys even give them a rope or ladder to climb down onto the floor. In that case, obviously i should choose a room where if he were to explore, then he would only stay in that room away from hazards, easily be found, and easily find his way back to trees, correct?
How do you deal with poop and mistings? I saw that other picture where there's plastic to collect the water drops into the plant's pot or something, but how do others deal with that... As I wouldn't want my carpet or wood flooring wet (my wood flooring is already bumpy from water spills and all that).
I really want to free range my veiled, but don't know where to start. any PM's or replies on this post would help. I thought that if you would free range them in a room, you should make it so that your cham wouldn't be able to crawl onto the floor and get lost and stay in the trees and stuff... er... help? lol.

First, why do you want to free range over a cage? does your guy try to escape all day? If so... figure out why first. Free range only works if the cham will stay there. Chams will stay in one area if they have all the needs met. So, if they wander off.. there is an issue.... I am working on that with my Melleri Henry. He won't stay in his range. But I think he is a male, looking for a mate... Plus it is a new home to him and I have to fine tune how I can provide for his needs.
hi Dj, here are some ways i deal with the issues you are concerned about.

i keep him in a closed off room. he wanders on the curtain rods and his trees all day. pooping, after a few times mine (and most) other chameleons designate their own bathroom. so i just lay down some tile or slate or newspaper there to pick up later.

i have a dripper system going for now which falls into the hibiscus plant and i raised the plant so that it wouldnt sit in its own water. i just empty the bowl out when its full. I added a humidifier to the left side to keep it up a bit, im gonna try to add on and figure out a misting system setup in the next few weeks.
DJ, I am not saying you shouldn't free range. But, that you should consider all the possibilities. By mistake my Veiled Jake had gotten out of his cage and decided he liked it under the stove...... Those are the kinds of things you need to think about when free ranging, 'where could he end up'.
When you first try free range, do it when you are home so you can see what your guy does......maybe over the weekend. Try it in a cham safe room where you can close the door. When they are younger they tend to explore more. As they get older they stay put in their trees more. As for the bathroom thing, my guy goes first thing in the morning in the same spot almost always......so after you see his spot just be prepared. Jann
So I think that I would like to give this a try with Hermie ... as it seems these days the only time he is in his happy colors is when he is outside of his cage (can't figure it out as his cage seems more cham-suitable than my apartment but it's his right to decide this I guess). Any tips for hanging the UV lamps? I can give him his basking spot with a regular lamp that I have but I'm puzzles on how I'm going to get this UV tube/box to hang...
We bought a shop light fixture (like you would hang in the garage) at Wal mart. The fixture was cheap but of course the UVB blubs were not. Maybe some of the guys here will chime in on hanging it or I'll ask my husband tonight when he's home from work. Hermie will love it!
Thanks for all of your replies guys. It'll be some time before I actually get to do this. Lots of thinking; and I'm still in the works in designing my outdoor cages for them.
You can get a 48" shop light from home depot for less than $10, you can also pick up a grow light at HD for about $10. Then go to LLL's website and 48" 10.0 reptisuns are $20
Heres my free range setup for my new baby cham. The first picture is to show the real lighting he gets. The second is to show my lighting setup. and the third is him looking out.


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I really want to try a free range setup in my room if I can get my parents on board. I have a few questions. I I had just a large potted tree or "chameleon condo" would they still find there way out into the room by jumping down or something? Im thinking of having some sort of explorarium to just for safe measues to put the cham in if I feel like it. It seems like so much fun to free range.:D
Sometimes my chams come down and roam around. As they get older they tend to stay in the trees most of the time.
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Yeah, I meant to say though are they able to climb over a rounded pot edge? Or will they jump out of the tree to roam around? I dont think I calrified it very well.
Yeah, I meant to say though are they able to climb over a rounded pot edge? Or will they jump out of the tree to roam around? I dont think I calrified it very well.

These guys are meant for climbing. They can climb most anything and find there way into some strange places... That being said I wouldn't do a free range unless you have the entire room chameleon safe. Expect him to climb down and find a higher place than his tree or to wander around exploring.

This is Henry. I have no idea how he didn't knock down the CD rack, it is freestanding and a bit top heavy without him climbing it. :eek::confused::eek:


He wanders from time to time. For the most part he doesn't leave his area.
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