Who would u pick???

My cham is the best cham!

I don't really think there is a best species though. There are so many differences that make the different species unique in their own way.
Best for what purpose?
If beautiful colors are your thing, then panthers are never dissapointing. They are more expensive though.
Jacksons have those awesome prehistoric looking horns and are easy to come by.
Veileds are known to be the most hardy and adaptive and are therefore suggested to beginners as a first chameleon. They are also the least expensive to purchase
If size is your thing, mellers and parsons get HUGE. (veileds can get quite big too though)
What's the best Cham?

Do you really mean "what's your favorite chameleon?" To compare one cham to another, IMO, doesn't really work. I think each and every chameleon is special in their own right. But I most definitely have my favorites. Not just one, but a few.
i kinda assumed he meant best for beginners. My favorites are the sailfin chameleons :D i think they are soo cool!
1. Panther (nosy be / nosy faly locales)
2. Parsons (any kind OMG)
3. Carpets (they just down right gorgeous)
4. Jacksons
5. Mellers

I currently own a Panther due to my current home. I have more room out of doors than I do indoors, and I can house my panther out of doors most of the year.
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