why are all of my hanging plants dying?


New Member
okay so I have 7 hanging plants in my chameleon cages and all of them, within the past couple of days, have been starting to droop down and slowly die.. Inside the room that the chameleons are in is at about 75 or so, during the day.. I water them pretty regularly and i changed a good amount of their soil that they came with when i bought them.. can anyone help me out?

i forgot the name.... its the most common hanging plants that people put into their cages.. they have almost spade or heart shaped leaves.. and I kept where the roots were and surrounded it with some soil i had left over along with eco earth
i believe you're talking about a pothos plant. do you have any plants light on your cage? if you're watering them regularly and they're still droopy, you may need some plant lights if you don't have them.
yes the pothos. thank you. But no, i do not.. i just have 5.0 reptibulbs and UVB light strips over each cage.
yes the pothos. thank you. But no, i do not.. i just have 5.0 reptibulbs and UVB light strips over each cage.

are those plants getting any natural sun...near a window or anything? if not, you're going to need to put a 6500k plant light on top of the cage. it's just like the reptisun, a fluorescent light but it's supposed to help plant growth. so you'll need another fluorescent light hood and the 6500k light. it's not too expensive.
yeahh, they are all next to a window.. but i havent been opening the blinds as much lately so ill try that. thanks!
Pothos barely need anything to grow. If you are killing pothos and the leaves and dropping i would guess they need water.
Pothos is one of the only plants i dont kill
If the pothos leaves are turning yellow then brown they are getting too much water. While it may not be root rot just yet they do like the soil to dry out between waterings so slow down on the waterings or get some sort of a drainage. You can also put some earthworms in there to keep the soil ariated.
If the tips are turning brown it could be not enough water or the water content what kind of water are you using and how often do you water it? Pothos is one of the few plants that require very little sunlight so i doubt that is the issue though if they get more sunlight they get a goldenish tint.
i water mine once a week and ive had mine in some of my vivs for over two years,dont forget they also get a drink of your misting so i find once a week is plenty
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