Avid Member
I live in Ma and in this state it is illegal to have or sell Chameleons. Im not 100% sure why. My theory is: By banning the species, less people would own them, lessen availability to the people that want them. Slowing down importing from the wild. Can anyone one help answer this? Do you think the laws should be changed since captive animals are common? How do you feel about someone like me breaking the law and having chameleons?
Lets see, by making chameleon Illegal would have 2 consequences:
1) More people wanted them (so that they are treated as cool; breaking law), the price to get them into the state will be much higher, pet store would get them in for the profit!!!
2) Maybe it will curb the illegal harvesting chameleon in the wild (usually NEVER HAPPEN)
For example, it is illegal to have endangered species in Thailand, every year thousands of endangered species is being smuggled into Thailand and then resold to Europe and America as CB species!!