Why chameleons make good pets


New Member
Hey y'all as some of you may know I've been *this* close to getting a chameleon and the only thing that has held me back is my father. So if you all could do me a HUGE favor and explain all the reasons that chameleons are a good pets and how they aren't really that high maintenance if you have the right supplies. And SEB especially if you find this please please please explain just how awesome your guy is! :) but I want to hear this from everybody else too! Also I'm happy to hear anything you have to say and pictures stories or complaining you want to post don't hesitate. I want this thread to cover anything noob needs to successful. Products to avoid, feeders, tricks and tips etc. Please help me out. Thanks love y'all guys ;):p

Some of the main issues:
1) He thinks that since the Cham would be in a cage it would stink.

2)he thinks that a mister will spray water all over the place.

3) he thinks a bunch of responsibility will fall on his shoulders as my parents are divorced and I live in between houses. (But I don't think that really any would other than having to feed him while I'm gone, if I got a mister that is)

4) he's upset because crickets make to much noise

5) he is just a grumpy old man

Please discuss everything not just the issues listed above. Anything to help me out is appreciated.

Thank you all!
Carter Burkett
I'll just pipe in with responses to your points above

1) I have 30 chameleons in my home. People walk in and want to know where they are. No smell. Or, like humans, walk in on them dropping a bomb and yes, you will likely smell something. Use live plants.

2. Get corrugated plastic sheets for the sides near the walls. Put a mat or something down on the outside of the cage.

3. I like to see my chams everyday. You'll need to ensure someone is checking to see that lights and misters are functioning when you're not there. If your Dad doesn't mind looking at the animal, changing the odd light bulb and making sure there's water, you should be pretty good to go. I also like to feed daily.

4. Get 1/2" crickets. No noise. You'll need to feed an adult a few more, but hey, no noise. Clean them regularly. Gut load well. Or, worms. Silworms, hornworms.

5. My father is a grumpy old man, I'm getting there. You just need to be one to understand them.

Good luck!
Thanks trumpet I live it when people put humor into their responses and you helped with a lot of the issues.

But people by no means stop posting I need as many posts as possible to convince this old fart :D:D also posts from vets and similar Will have the greatest impact. Thanks again Trumpet!
Chameleons have no odor whatsoever. If they do, then there is something wrong. They poop and pee all in one! It is solid and basically does not smell at all(once in awhile you might get one that does). When they get older they only poop maybe once a day or every couple of days. Very clean animals!!!! They are very quiet too! lol They make no noises and you can make all the noise you want around them without disturbing them, because they basically do not hear!!
Thanks Carol! You don't realize it but your helping me out A LOT! Also it is going to be my goal to respond to every post on this thread to give each and every person a special thanks. Thank y'all SOO much!
Come on y'all don't stop now! I REALLY need your help I can't be the only with issues like this. I know some of y'all have to of had a similar scenario how did you handle it?
I totally understand your dilemma, it took me almost 2 years to persuade my mom to let me have one. My dad was on board and I had saved up enough money but it still took a lot of convincing. :eek: Just be patient :)

1.) chams don't stink, at least I haven't really smelt mine XD The only thing that may stink could be the plant, if you have fungus gnats or something like that. As long as you keep the cage bottom clean, the smell sound be no problem.

2) My dad was concerned about this as well. If you position the nozzle correctly it won't directly spray out. However I have a few plastic sheets on the inside of my cage to guarantee no water getting out....if it did my dad would be soo mad

3) If you have a big reservoir and a mister he wont have to water him. And you could cup feed him too, so your dad would only have to put the bugs in the cup :)

4) invest in dubia roaches!!! They dont stink and they dont make any noise, they are awesome compared to crickets. :D

5) do you have any friends/family that have a chameleon? My cousins do , and thats how I got my parents slowly to accept them :)

If your dad is worried about the different supplement schedules, you can get repashy all in one, you just use it at every feeding
ummmmm you can use regular house bulbs instead of the fancy expensive ones that sell at the pet store for basking

If you need any more advice, feel free to ask :)
Not saying you should do this... but I just showed up at home with a chameleon. Never really asked, just played around with the idea and BOOM brought one home lol
Wow thanks froggie I'm hearing a lot of great ideas from a lot of y'all!

And squeeks it has crossed my mind SOO many times ;)
Why don't you and your dad drive 2 and a half hours south and come visit my Randall ;) Your dad will fall in love with the sweetest veiled chameleon ever :)

To answer some questions:
1) He thinks that since the Cham would be in a cage it would stink. Nope no stinking whatsoever, I live in an Apt and nobody knows I even own a chameleon unless i'm outside with him or management comes in and then they are fascinated lol

2)he thinks that a mister will spray water all over the place. Since I live in an Apt that was my fear also, but i put a green shower curtain around the sides and water does not spray all over the walls.

3) he thinks a bunch of responsibility will fall on his shoulders as my parents are divorced and I live in between houses. (But I don't think that really any would other than having to feed him while I'm gone, if I got a mister that is) There is responsibility in that dept, as he has to make sure they are fed and looked after also make sure the mister is working properly.

4) he's upset because crickets make to much noise... get half in crickets as they are not mature enough to make the noise, but i get full grown ones sometimes and they do chirp, but i like the chirping really lol

5) he is just a grumpy old man... Lol as us adults get older we tend to get a little grumpy lol But show him responsibility in other ways and maybe he won't get grouchy lol
Thanks Lady Bones, I appreciate the response :) Also thanks for the offer but I'm afraid I'll have to pass ;]

Remember guys I am happy to here ALL stories and response just anything you want to say, say it!
I am a parent. I would not have a problem with my child wanting a reptile, as I of course love them. Actually, my son couldn't careless about them. Anyway, the best way as a parent I can tell you is to show responsibility now. Save up money. Take care of any animals you already have. Do as asked. Do your research, so they know that you know how to take care of the Cham properly. Keep room clean, shows you will keep cage clean.
The reasons they are great pets. They are quiet, clean, amazing animals. They move slow, so no fast escapes. I hate the cricket noise too, but, it's also kinda nice. But the dubia roaches, which I haven't been able to get yet, are quiet, and don't stink like crickets, so you have a choice. Get an automatic mister and use timers for lights. Do not get the "monsoon" mister, it's not good. Now, as a parent, I will tell you this. Do not just bring one home. If your dads not willing to take care of it while you are gone, the Cham pays. Most likely, he will not be a happy camper at all and won't take care of it, if one just shows up. Good luck. Don't forget pics when you get him/her. Get a male, less work/worry then a female. In my opinion.
You all keep telling me to show responsibility but you have to understand I've practically been kissing my dad's ass since November doing whatever he's told me and I've saved up more than enough to pay for the chameleon and the supplies (note the chameleon is a high priced panther Cross). But whatever I know its never enough :) I will do whatever it takes to get one hough :p
purplebiotch, you should show your father how much you have to learn to be a good chameleon owner. They aren't like dogs where you open the bag and feed the food. You have to know the nutritional information of your feeders and the food you feed your feeders. You need to know about humidity and UVB. You will have a much better appreciation of how the environment works after keeping a chameleon. You will need to keep to schedules and plan for potential problems. Skills that will serve you well in your future.

Chameleons are not cuddly pets, they are educational pets.
purplebiotch, you should show your father how much you have to learn to be a good chameleon owner. They aren't like dogs where you open the bag and feed the food. You have to know the nutritional information of your feeders and the food you feed your feeders. You need to know about humidity and UVB. You will have a much better appreciation of how the environment works after keeping a chameleon. You will need to keep to schedules and plan for potential problems. Skills that will serve you well in your future.

Chameleons are not cuddly pets, they are educational pets.

Wow, while I know all of this I haven't ever though of it that way... Thats a really good view point of it all! Wether or not it will help convince my dad or not I don't know but it will help me in taking care of them. Thanks Eliza!
Hey y'all as some of you may know I've been *this* close to getting a chameleon and the only thing that has held me back is my father. So if you all could do me a HUGE favor and explain all the reasons that chameleons are a good pets and how they aren't really that high maintenance if you have the right supplies. And SEB especially if you find this please please please explain just how awesome your guy is! :) but I want to hear this from everybody else too! Also I'm happy to hear anything you have to say and pictures stories or complaining you want to post don't hesitate. I want this thread to cover anything noob needs to successful. Products to avoid, feeders, tricks and tips etc. Please help me out. Thanks love y'all guys ;):p

Some of the main issues:
1) He thinks that since the Cham would be in a cage it would stink.

2)he thinks that a mister will spray water all over the place.

3) he thinks a bunch of responsibility will fall on his shoulders as my parents are divorced and I live in between houses. (But I don't think that really any would other than having to feed him while I'm gone, if I got a mister that is)

4) he's upset because crickets make to much noise

5) he is just a grumpy old man

Please discuss everything not just the issues listed above. Anything to help me out is appreciated.

Thank you all!
Carter Burkett

Hey purp!
Ok so there's a few reasons why I love my chameleon and why he makes such a great pet. Chameleons do not make any noise unless they're climbing up vines and the leaves are against branches then it'll make a little noise. Even when they eat, they don't make noise which is pretty cool. Chameleons drink water drops created from the leaves and branches after they've been misted so changing water isn't a problem. Speaking about that, now comes misting. Misting really isn't as bad as it seems. I hand mist myself everyday 2-3 times a day for 3-4 minutes each. I try to keep the humidity up and I try to keep water on the leaves incase my chameleon gets thirsty. This really isn't tough. You could do it in the morning when you wake up before school, in the afternoon as soon as you get back from school, and maybe a short misting like 1-2 minute a couple hours before it goes to bed. Cleaning the cage I heard is a once a month thing. Sometimes the poop could fall on the bottom of the cage and all you can do is just pick it up with a paper towel and there ya go. Sometimes it will land in parts of the plants that's closest to the entrance of the cage where you have easy access to it. Like I said, once a month or month and a half, you're going to want to take our the branches and plants out of your cage and wash them very well and then rinse them and put them back into the cage again. This is preferred over the weekend so you can take your time. Feeding your chameleon depending is depending on the age. If you have a juvenile like me, feed it everyday twice a day if you want. Make sure they eat as much as they want but also don't push it. Keep it around 20 per day if you're feeding it twice a day and 10-12 if you feed once. What I do is wake up about an hour and a half before work, feed my chameleon 10-12 crickets then give him a good 4 minute misting. After that come home after work and I decide if I want to feed him again or not. When I do, I give him about 5-7 more and then another misting for 3 minutes. Sub Adults/Adults I heard you have to keep them on a strict eating diet. 10-12 crickets every other day. They eat lets say Monday and Tuesday do not feed then Wednesday feed then Thursday skip again etc.

1. No, the cage does not stink unless you keep it clean. Like I mentioned earlier, sometimes the poop will fall on the bottom of the cage. Just pick it up with a paper towel so it doesn't begin to smell. Also if you see some poop on the plants and you have easy access to it, then clean it too. Make sure you clean the cage once a month or month and a half.

2. I don't have an automatic mister so I can't help you out with that. All I could say is to adjust the nozzles in the cage so it doesn't spray out.

3. That's pretty tough. The house you spend the most time at, I think you should keep your chameleon there. They're viewing animals. They can't be handled too much but they do need their hydration and food. It's possible for a juvenile to go a day without food but it's not good for them either.

4. Dubias are great for chameleons and investing in them is a great idea. If it's possible try to breed them. Make sure you could get a heating pad for them to keep them alive. They're a little expensive but they are worth it. Even though crickets make noise, they're still a little worth it because they're pretty cheap and easy to take care of too.

Hope this helps out.
Thanks SEB I was waiting for you to respond you and forrest always help me out the most :)! I REALLY appreciate all of you all for helping and I will talk to my dad about dubia's. But please people keep posting I don't want to end up with out one :(
Thanks SEB I was waiting for you to respond you and forrest always help me out the most :)! I REALLY appreciate all of you all for helping and I will talk to my dad about dubia's. But please people keep posting I don't want to end up with out one :(

Hey no worries dude! Glad I could help. My bad about the late reply. I was out for the night.. I'm going to bed. Night!
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