Why chameleons make good pets

While I understand that you might want to order one out of spite or frustration, I would seriously think about it first. While it might seem like a good idea when you are mad, you may decide otherwise when you are less upset. Ultimately, if it does turn out to be not such a good idea when you are calmer, it is the animal that would suffer the consequences of your actions. I really think you should give yourself, at the very least, a few more days to think about it.
While that seems like the booyah, take this action now I assure you it probably isn't the best thing to do. To speak from his side, more or less, it's his house not yours. I didn't get animals till I moved away for college, my step dad didn't allow snakes and I didn't have a reliable job.

I know it sucks, to do tons of research and then be told no. But, until you pay rent or bills don't expect to be able to do as you please. If he said no, he meant it. Don't put it past him to list it on Craigslist and sell it while you're gone.
If you order one, you are proving his point. Someone mature enough to handle a chameleon would not get one after being told no. And they certainly would not play the "I'll move out" game. A chameleon is not the pet for you yet.
He called me a jackass and told me to me to stop researching because he doesn't care. The he went off on a rant about how much of a failure son I am.

Honestly this is your answer right here. He has stated his position. For the animals sake dont make a mistake.

Take the time now until you are on your own and do as much research as you can. Be apart of this community long before you purchase that first chameleon. BELIEVE ME it is so worth it. There are so many different things i would have done different at the beginning of keeping chameleons had i known what i do now. You will be respected more by this community for waiting, showing that you are going to do the responsible thing for the well being of the animal. If you stick around and read what some of the experienced members around here offer. Your first chameleon will be a absolute breeze. You wont regret it if you wait till you are in a more stable environment believe me...

We make chameleon keeping sound easy. It takes a FULL TIME dedicated keeper, part time equals a bad time..
So if you all could do me a HUGE favor and explain all the reasons that chameleons are a good pets and how they aren't really that high maintenance if you have the right supplies.

Unfortunately, I think your dad may have it largely right.

1) He thinks that since the Cham would be in a cage it would stink.
No, a healthy chameleon properly cared for will not stink, and its cage wont either.

2)he thinks that a mister will spray water all over the place.
ya, it might. Depends on the cage and how you set up the mister.

3) he thinks a bunch of responsibility will fall on his shoulders as my parents are divorced and I live in between houses. (But I don't think that really any would other than having to feed him while I'm gone, if I got a mister that is)
Yes, your father will end up shouldering some responsibilty if you are not there to care for the chameleon daily. For example, who is going to pay for the vet bills?

4) he's upset because crickets make to much noise
yes, they can do. buying younger crickets will solve that, as would offering something other than crickets a lot of the time.

5) he is just a grumpy old man
your disrespect of your father will not help you seem mature enough to have a pet chameleon. They are more work than beta fish (the simplest pet every) or dogs (did you walk the dogs, pick up the poop and feed the dogs and take the dogs to the vets? or did you dad do most of that? He's clearly trying to ensure the chameleon will be properly cared for, and that you are up to the task

Comments like "been kissing his ass" and

....I will get a chameleon I am going to go ahead and order one. I have enough time to walk over to his house and feed him and check up on him on the days I'm with my mom to keep him healthy. He won't hurt the Cham because he knows I will leave him if he does. And vet/ food expenses I will use the money from my summer job. Don't advise against it because There most likely isn't anything you can say that will stop me. ....
tell me you are not ready for it. This is not how a mature, responsible person reacts. Its how a child acts. Which is understandable - you are young. But if you want to prove to your dad that you can handle it, you're going to have to grow up.

and remember It is your father's house, so it is your father's rules.

Maybe you should ask your mom and see if you can convince her instead.
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Hey y'all as some of you may know I've been *this* close to getting a chameleon and the only thing that has held me back is my father. So if you all could do me a HUGE favor and explain all the reasons that chameleons are a good pets and how they aren't really that high maintenance if you have the right supplies. And SEB especially if you find this please please please explain just how awesome your guy is! :) but I want to hear this from everybody else too! Also I'm happy to hear anything you have to say and pictures stories or complaining you want to post don't hesitate. I want this thread to cover anything noob needs to successful. Products to avoid, feeders, tricks and tips etc. Please help me out. Thanks love y'all guys ;):p

Some of the main issues:
1) He thinks that since the Cham would be in a cage it would stink.
Wrong! chams themselves do not stink. Standing cage water will turn if you don't clean it, but even cham poop does not stink (unless you stick your nose in it)
2)he thinks that a mister will spray water all over the place.
Wrong! mister can be adjusted however you want and has almost no overspray
3) he thinks a bunch of responsibility will fall on his shoulders as my parents are divorced and I live in between houses. (But I don't think that really any would other than having to feed him while I'm gone, if I got a mister that is)
I don't know your age, or how mature and responsible you are, so, no comment

4) he's upset because crickets make to much noise
For only one cham, don't need too many cricks. Find a spot out of the way and buy nymphs, not quite adult yet. Only adult cricks chirp. Buy the banded brown cricks (Ghann's) they are quieter
5) he is just a grumpy old man
Be nice to him, buy his favorite beverage, snacks, etc. Butter him up a bit!!
Please discuss everything not just the issues listed above. Anything to help me out is appreciated.

Thank you all!
Carter Burkett

Here are some highlighted suggestions to help
Come on y'all don't stop now! I REALLY need your help I can't be the only with issues like this. I know some of y'all have to of had a similar scenario how did you handle it?

Like anything you add to your daily routine, the amount of time and energy they require tends to settle down after a while. Chams, like other herps are hypoallergenic (unless you are allergic to plants). They don't bring in fleas or other pests from outdoors. And, if you are not home all day they don't really miss you. Some would just as soon not have you (or your dad) around at all!
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