Why Do Chams Do This?

Sorry for all the questions as of late lol

But a quick question, when a Cham basks, why so they sometimes puff they neck out? I heard they do it while basking to regulate heat, is that correct?
My belief is they spread their skin out to warm up faster.

Yeah just finished reading a book about chameleons, and this is true. "To exploit the sun's radiation even more intensively, chameleons flatten their body so that they can expose the largest possible surface area to the sun."
Taken from "Chameleons: Care and Breeding". Its an small, old book I found at my local library.
Are you asking why they flatten or puff? Puffing I thought was a territorial display. My veileds usually do it first thing in the a.m. when all are awake, or when they see one another from across the room (not to get mixed up with color flashing or fighting displays). They seem to puff up, open their months, and wiggle all at the same time. (if others know more about this, please respond).
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